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2 giorni Wadi Rum e Petra (pernottamento Wadi Rum) da Gerusalemme (JEJ-JHT-006)

  • 2 giorni Wadi Rum e Petra (pernottamento Wadi Rum) da Gerusalemme (JEJ-JHT-006)
  • 2 giorni Wadi Rum e Petra (pernottamento Wadi Rum) da Gerusalemme (JEJ-JHT-006)
  • 2 giorni Wadi Rum e Petra (pernottamento Wadi Rum) da Gerusalemme (JEJ-JHT-006)
  • 2 giorni Wadi Rum e Petra (pernottamento Wadi Rum) da Gerusalemme (JEJ-JHT-006)
  • 2 giorni Wadi Rum e Petra (pernottamento Wadi Rum) da Gerusalemme (JEJ-JHT-006)

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2 Giorni 1 Notti
Categoria: Viaggi classici della Giordania
Tipo: Giordania Viaggi da Gerusalemme o Tel Aviv attraverso i conf
Inizia in: Israele-Gerusalemme
Finisci in: Israele-Gerusalemme

Caratteristiche del tour


01 Notte a Wadi Rum con cena e colazione
Acqua minerale a bordo e WiFi gratuito
Lunch box o pranzo a Wadi Rum
Servizio di accoglienza e assistenza all'arrivo
Tour in 4x4 nel Wadi Rum per circa 4 ore
Tutti i trasferimenti sono effettuati con veicoli privati ​​
Visita guidata di circa 2,5 ore a Petra
Visto per la Giordania


Bus navetta tra i confini
Cene e pranzi non elencati in Inclusioni
Giro in golf cart o cammello a Petra o Wadi Rum, a seconda d
Imposta di partenza dal confine
L'attraversamento VIP ad Allenby è su richiesta
Qualsiasi articolo non elencato come incluso
Spese personali e assicurazione di viaggio
Tariffe d'ingresso per tutti i siti
Tour facoltativi
Tutti i tipi di suggerimenti per l'autista e le guide
Voli internazionali e biglietti aerei.

Condividilo con gli amici

link utili

- Elenco delle domande frequenti sui nostri tour - Passaggi di prenotazione e conferma - Termini e condizioni di pagamento - Jordan onboarding e prima della partenza - Meteo Giordania - Cibo e ristoranti della Giordania - Trasferimenti e trasporti in Giordania - Confini, aeroporti e porto della Giordania - Sistemazioni della Giordania

Punti salienti

Petra - Scopri la spettacolare città nabatea, dichiarata patrimonio dell'umanità dall'UNESCO, che è una delle nuove sette meraviglie del mondo
Questo è un tour classico/Vacanza in Giordania che inizia dal confine di Allenby/Shaikh Hussein o con prelievo da Gerusalemme o Tel Aviv (o altre località), offriamo ai nostri clienti tour privati ​​su misura della Giordania che comprendono i loro interessi particolari. Realizziamo tour e itinerari di vacanza in Giordania su misura esattamente seco
Wadi Rum: esplora questo vasto deserto rosso con le sue dune ondulate e le spettacolari formazioni rocciose in un 4x4
ⓘ Nota: i tour sono principalmente tour/viaggi privati ​​in Giordania, inoltre sono completamente fatti su misura per soddisfare le preferenze individuali e i tour di gruppo. Offriamo un'ampia selezione di pacchetti turistici e vacanze in Giordania di tutti i tipi di tour, se desideri personalizzare il tuo viaggio, visita la nostra pagina Tour


Giorno 1: Gerusalemme - Wadi Rum e pernottamento

Alle 7:30 (orario consigliato) verrai prelevato dalla tua posizione a Gerusalemme e trasferito ad Allenby Bridge/King Hussein Border Crossing. Sarai trasferito per circa 3 ore a Wadi Rum, uno dei paesaggi desertici più impressionanti al mondo. Esplora la natura selvaggia del deserto con un tour in 4x4 di 04-05 ore, scalando dune di sabbia, ammirando antiche iscrizioni e imponenti ponti di roccia. Pernotterai in un campo beduino con cena e colazione. 


Giorno 2: Wadi Rum - Petra - Gerusalemme (Altre località su richiesta)

Il secondo giorno visiterai Petra, una delle nuove sette meraviglie del mondo. Scavata nelle rocce rosse delle scogliere del deserto migliaia di anni fa dall'antico popolo dei Nabatei, Petra è rimasta nascosta sotto la sabbia per secoli prima di essere di nuovo accessibile di recente. Dopo la colazione verrai trasferito da Wadi Rum a Petra. Visiterai il tesoro, l'anfiteatro, le tombe reali, un monastero e molto altro, camminerai sulle orme di Lawrence d'Arabia e India Jones e scoprirai perché Petra è stata chiamata "la città rosso-rosa della metà dell'età del tempo". 

Partenza da Petra entro le 15:00 e ritorno a King Hussein/Allenby Bridge, per poi proseguire verso Gerusalemme, dove verrete riaccompagnati a destinazione (altre località su richiesta, con supplemento).

Si prega di notare che il venerdì e il sabato il ponte King Hussein/Allenby chiude alle 13:00. La partenza può avvenire tramite il valico di frontiera del fiume Giordano/nord (si applica un supplemento).



Condizioni di prenotazione del tour

: 1-Minimum time for booking Multi-Day tours, last minute booking and Availability of JHT team. STND

-(A)- For multi-day tours, we will accept reservation requests up to 72 hour before tour commencement date (Please consider weekends, official holidays and office hours indicated below). -(B)- Our tour consultants are typically reachable during office hours only: Sun – Thu 10:00-18:00 (Jordan Time: 3 hrs past GMT). In cases of emergencies, you can reach our team through our main mobile contact shown on our website anytime any day, (or if in contact with you a tour consultant already, you would have their specific contact info directly). -(C)- Please consider Weekend in Jordan is Fri-Sat. Official National Holidays & Religious Holidays include but not limited to: Easter, Eids, Labor Day, Christmas, New Year’s Eve…etc. -(D)- When applicable, and in order to benefit from visa fee waiver conditioned with spending 2 consecutive nights in Jordan, we kindly ask that you share your passport information which will be kept safely in line with our privacy agreement, we will use this to prepare a manifest and allow our team to meet & greet you at the airport. -(E)- A visa fee applies for groups and individual travelers spending 1 night only prior to departure from the Kingdom, Visa fees are subject to change with no notice by authorities. -(F)- Confirmation for those tours will be issued on securing the needed services and accommodation is booked. Most hotel reservation teams are reachable till 17:00 Jordan time during weekdays. -(G)- Knowledge and recommendations: Booking last minute can be a bit of a double-edged sword when it comes to travel. While the spontaneity can add an exciting edge to your plans, it's important to consider that the availability of services might be limited and the quality of services can be compromised. While we'll do our best to accommodate your preferences, it's worth keeping in mind that securing the most sought-after services may be a bit more challenging. Planning in advance not only secures the best options but also ensures a smoother and more enjoyable journey, allowing you to make the most of your travel experience without the constraints that last-minute bookings might bring.
: 2- Quotation and rates for Multi-Day trips in Jordan. STND

-(A)- Our multi-day tours are completely tailor made to fit individual preferences. Because those tours are customized, kindly check with us for rates for your requested tour. Note it is possible to select the desired accommodation standard 3, 4 or 5-star / typically offers are based on standard rooms in related hotels unless otherwise stated, upgraded room categories and / or family rooms would incur a surcharge. If interested to book accommodation directly yourself – please get in touch. -(B)- Accommodation choices and preferences will be considered, yet can’t be guaranteed as this is subject to hotel or camp availability and policies. Alternatives of same desired level can be secured (subject to availability). -(C)- For FTIs (small groups up to 6 guests) - local spot guide in Petra and Jerash would be included (who’d only join during your visit in Petra or Jerash only – if your visit includes either site) please see notes. Yet for groups of 7 guests and more it is mandated by law that we secure a government licensed Guide to escort the group from start till drop off to any destination in Jordan. -(D)- All quotes are based on English speaking local or government licensed guides. Other languages are subject to availability and can’t be guaranteed especially at peak season times, and can ultimately incur a surcharge. -(E)- The Local guides (who are at the visitor’s center of Petra site) are assigned at the visitor's center of the site on a turn-basis. Travel Agencies cannot guarantee the quality of their services. - We endeavor to utilize the guiding services of a licensed guide who is known to our agency. During peak times we might provide you with a guide from the Petra Visitors center. As these guides are not known to our agency, we cannot guarantee the level of their service. Any complaints about problems encountered with the guides from the Petra Visitors center should be directed to the Petra Visitors Centre directly at the conclusion of your guided tour.
: 3- Booking online and - or How to book this tour (Multi-Day trips)? STND

-(A)- You can request to book your desired tour online or please contact us by email. Online bookings are not confirmed until a personalized email detailing that a booking is confirmed is sent by a member of our reservation team, which will be within 24-48 hours of receiving your online booking. -(B)- We endeavor to display accurate availability on our website, though on rare occasions online bookings are made concurrently with others, and our website cannot reflect this information. -(C)- Securing accommodation space for larger group is primarily controlled by hotel – camp availability. Feedback will be shared with guests, to determine how best to proceed, example standard rooms may not be fully available, upgraded room types for an additional surcharge could be proposed to guest, our team will make sure you understand your options and can decide accordingly.
: 4- In very rare cases, JHT reserves the rights to amend or cancel the booking in the following cases: STND

-(A)- In Last minute booking in less than 24 hrs period of the requested date. -(B)- When no personalized follow up email detailing that a booking is confirmed is sent by a member of our reservation team. If our JHT team is not available i.e. contact outside working hours, weekends, national holiday, religious holidays or any applicable holiday i.e. Easter, Eids, Christmas, New Year’s Eve…etc. -(C)- In cases of missing / faulty information on guests’ side. -(D)- Also JHT reserves the right to amend /cancel the tour / itinerary for reasons such as service requirements, road or weather conditions, hotel or camp announcements or unforeseen circumstances. Where a change /cancellation is of a significant nature it will be advised to our customers in writing. JHT cannot be held responsible for any service that we are unable to provide due to that particular component being unavailable due to circumstances beyond our control. -(E)- Refunds will be applied as applicable
: 5- Check Our Terms and Conditions, in addition to our Payments Methods, Conditions, Cancellation & Refunds. STND

-(A)- Check both where you will find their links at the footer/bottom of our website