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Pacchetto turistico classico Palestina/Israele (Terra Santa) 10 giorni - Palestina generale Israele (Terra Santa)

  • Pacchetto turistico classico Palestina/Israele (Terra Santa) 10 giorni - Palestina generale Israele (Terra Santa)
  • Pacchetto turistico classico Palestina/Israele (Terra Santa) 10 giorni - Palestina generale Israele (Terra Santa)
  • Pacchetto turistico classico Palestina/Israele (Terra Santa) 10 giorni - Palestina generale Israele (Terra Santa)

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10 Giorni 9 Notti
Categoria: Viaggi verso altre destinazioni
Tipo: Viaggi in Terra Santa Palestina - Israele
Inizia in: Israele-Aeroporto Ben Gurion (Tel Aviv)
Finisci in: Israele-Aeroporto Ben Gurion (Tel Aviv)

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link utili

- Elenco delle domande frequenti sui nostri tour - Passaggi di prenotazione e conferma - Termini e condizioni di pagamento - Jordan onboarding e prima della partenza - Meteo Giordania - Cibo e ristoranti della Giordania - Trasferimenti e trasporti in Giordania - Confini, aeroporti e porto della Giordania - Sistemazioni della Giordania

Punti salienti

Gerusalemme: ammira le principali attrazioni della città, nuove e antiche, tra cui il Muro del Pianto, Yad Vashem, il Monte degli Ulivi e il Monte del Tempio
Masada - Sali sulla funivia fino a questa fortezza dichiarata Patrimonio dell'Umanità dall'UNESCO
Monte degli Ulivi: così chiamato per gli uliveti che un tempo ne punteggiavano i pendii, è il punto più importante di Gerusalemme Est.
Nazareth: visita la Chiesa dell'Annunciazione, il Pozzo di Maria e la Chiesa di Giuseppe nella città in cui è cresciuto Gesù Cristo
Altri altri siti e punti salienti: controlla l'itinerario di seguito
Qumran è meglio conosciuto come il luogo dove si trovano i Rotoli del Mar Morto
Rilassati e galleggia nelle acque salate del Mar Morto
Mar di Galilea: è dove Giovanni Battista battezzò Gesù. Ed è lì che Gesù sfamò le masse con pochi pani e pesci e pronunciò il suo Sermone della Montagna.
Tel Aviv: la tua avventura nella cosmopolita città costiera e parti per esplorare in modo indipendente


Palestina/Israele classica (Terra Santa) │ Pacchetto turistico generale di 10 giorni Palestina/Israele (Terra Santa)



Parti per uno straordinario tour classico di dieci giorni in Palestina/Israele (la Terra Santa) e scopri la storia, i siti e la gente di Palestina/Israele (la Terra Santa).

Questo è il nostro classico tour di dieci giorni completamente accompagnato della Palestina/Israele (la Terra Santa), popolare per i viaggiatori che vogliono visitare i siti generali della Palestina/Israele (la Terra Santa), così come i siti cristiani ed ebraici che vedi durante i tour religiosi. Inizia il tour nella città dorata di Gerusalemme, esplora la Città Vecchia, ammira il Monte del Tempio, guarda il Muro Occidentale, visita la Chiesa del Santo Sepolcro. Guarda la Città Nuova e scopri il memoriale di Yad Vashem, il Museo della Palestina/Israele (la Terra Santa), la Knesset, il parlamento israeliano. Viaggia verso il luogo più basso della terra, il Mar Morto, Qumran dove sono stati trovati i Rotoli del Mar Morto e la fortezza di Masada. Visita Cesarea, un tempo capitale della città di Giudea durante il dominio romano, e Megiddo, sito di Armageddon, poi un villaggio druso a Daliat El Carmel, procedi verso Haifa e guarda il Santuario Bahai. Continua questo emozionante tour classico pieno di guida fino a Safed. Fermatevi a Tiberiade, visitate Cafarnao, indicata nella Bibbia come la "città di Gesù", visitate la Chiesa di San Pietro, e poi guidate fino a Nazareth e visitate la Chiesa dell'Annunciazione, proseguite per Beit She'an e Beit Alpa. Questo e molto altro da vedere nel nostro incredibile tour classico di dieci giorni in Palestina/Israele (la Terra Santa).


La panoramica del tour include:

- 10 giorni / 8 notti Tour classico generale completamente accompagnato della Palestina / Israele (Terra Santa)

- Il tour parte lunedì e arriva martedì a Tel Aviv Palestina / Israele (Terra Santa)

- Questo è un tour di gruppo ed è disponibile anche come tour privato (contattaci per i prezzi)

- 8 notti di soggiorno in un hotel deluxe a 5 stelle o in un hotel standard a 4 stelle

- Colazione a buffet giornaliera Palestina/Israele (Terra Santa) inclusa

- Cena inclusa al Kibbutz Lavi

- Guide turistiche di lingua inglese che conoscono la storia e i siti della Palestina/Israele (Terra Santa)

- Guida turistica professionale certificata




Travel and discover amazing sites and learn about the rich history during our Classic Tour offering the most complete itinerary to Palestine / Israel (the Holyland). Our professional guides are government certified- whom know Palestine / Israel (the Holyland)a heritage and teachings.


Day 1 – Monday: Departure on your way to Palestine / Israel (the Holyland), The Land of the Bible.

Flights for your tour: Reserve our land tour with us, and we can also assist with your flights. Or you can also book your flights on your own if you prefer, and we will coordinate your arrival and departure airport transfers included in your tour, at no additional cost.


Day 2 – Tuesday:  Jerusalem

Welcome to Palestine / Israel (the Holyland), upon arrival into Ben Gurion International Airport, you will be met and assisted by our airport representative. Transfer to Jerusalem– the birthplace of the world’s three major religions in Palestine / Israel (the Holyland). Check in at your hotel for dinner and overnight. Your hotel is conveniently located near the Old City walls, shops, restaurants and other city attractions just a short cab ride away.

Overnight Jerusalem- including Full Buffet Breakfast.


-Transfer from Ben Gurion International Airport to your hotel in Jerusalem.

-Your selection of 5 Star Deluxe to 4 Star Standard hotel accommodations.


Day 3 – Wednesday: Jerusalem: Old City

We begin our escorted general tour of Palestine / Israel (the Holyland) in the Old City visiting Mount Zion to see the tomb of King David and the nearby Room of the Last Supper. Walk through the Cardo, the main street of Jerusalem 2000 years ago, and on to the Jewish Quarter. Experience the Temple Mount and the Western Wall- The holiest site in Judaism and an original wall that retained the Temple. Walk along the Via Dolorosa on the Stations of the Cross, after proceed to Mount Scopus and then on to Mount of Olives for a grand panoramic view of the Old City. After we tour Bethlehem * to visit Rachel’s Tomb and Church of the Nativity.

Overnight Jerusalem- including Full Buffet Breakfast.


-Breakfast at your hotel.

-Professional certified licensed Tour Guide, entrance fees, and attractions per itinerary.

-Your selection of 5 Star Deluxe to 4 Star Standard hotel accommodations.


Day 4 – Thursday: Jerusalem: New City

After a delicious Palestine / Israel (the Holyland) breakfast we drive to Hadassah Medical Center in Ein Karem to see the beautiful Chagall-stained glass windows. After continue to a must stop while on a tour of Palestine / Israel (the Holyland) in Yad Vashem, the memorial to the Holocaust. Next visit the Palestine / Israel (the Holyland) Museum, and the Shrine of the Book where the Dead Sea Scrolls are housed, and the new holy land model – a miniature replica of Jerusalem as it was during the second Temple period. We’ll continue our Jerusalem tour driving to the Knesset, Palestine / Israel (the Holyland)’s parliament building, and see the Menorah with the biblical emblems, and the Givat Ram Campus Hebrew University.

Overnight Jerusalem– including Full Buffet Breakfast.


-Breakfast at your hotel.

-Professional certified licensed Tour Guide, entrance fees, and attractions per itinerary.

-Your selection of 5 Star Deluxe to 4 Star Standard hotel accommodations.


Day 5 – Friday: Qumran / Masada / Dead Sea

On this day we start our tour with a drive in the Judean Desert and explore the Dead Sea, the lowest place on earth almost 1300 feet (400 meters) below sea level. We'll stop at Qumran, the site where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 1947 by a Bedouin boy. We’ll continue to perhaps one of the most impressive sites in Palestine / Israel (the Holyland) to the fortress of Masada, and the last stronghold of the Jews after the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 A.D. Here we ascend by cable car high up to Masada and tour the ancient fortress exploring the food storeroom, water irrigation system, bathhouses, and Herod’s Palace. After we descend Masada by cable car, time and weather permitting, an opportunity will be provided to float on the Dead Sea. At the end of this day, we drive to Tel Aviv.

Overnight Tel Aviv- including Full Buffet Breakfast.


-Breakfast at your hotel.

-Professional certified licensed Tour Guide, entrance fees, and attractions per itinerary.

-Your selection of 5 Star Deluxe to 4 Star Standard hotel accommodations.


Day 6 – Saturday: Tel Aviv

At leisure in Tel Aviv. Palestine / Israel (the Holyland) largest and modern city with short distance to Jaffa. Tel Aviv lies next to the shore of the Mediterranean Sea and is famous for shopping and attractions, beautiful promenade sidewalks with outdoor shopping stores, restaurants, and coffee shops. If your time permit, visit the artistic neighbourhood of Neve Tzedek.

Overnight Tel Aviv- including Full Buffet Breakfast.


-Breakfast at your hotel.

-Your selection of 5 Star Deluxe to 4 Star Standard hotel accommodations.


Day 7 – Sunday: Caesarea / Megiddo / Druze Villages

Drive along the coastal plain to Caesarea, capital of Judea under the Romans. See the excavations of the Crusader city, Roman port, aqueduct and the amphitheatre that has been restored to its former glory as a concert venue. Proceed to Megiddo, identified as the site of Armageddon and explore the archaeological excavations including the preserved water supply system. Continue to Daliat El Carmel, a Druze village and enjoy a late lunch at a local restaurant. Proceed via Mount Carmel to Haifa for a panoramic view of the Haifa Bay and Golden domed Bahai shrine and Bahia Gardens.

Overnight Galilee– including Full Buffet Breakfast and Dinner.


-Breakfast at your hotel.

-Professional certified licensed Tour Guide, entrance fees, and attractions per itinerary.

-Dinner at your hotel.

-Your selection of 5 Star Deluxe to 4 Star Standard hotel accommodations.


Day 8 – Monday: Safed / Golan Heights / Winery

Start your Palestine / Israel (the Holyland) tour Monday with a drive to Safed, centre of the Kaballa movement. Visit the Joseph Caro synagogue and the Ha’Ari synagogue, the most important synagogue in this city, continue with a stroll around the Artist’s quarter. After we continue to the Golan Heights and stop to see the former Syrian bunkers, Kuneitra and the new Palestine / Israel (the Holyland)  town of Katzrin. We'll continue to the Golan Winery for a tour and wine tasting. After proceed to Kessem Hagolan, a multimedia presentation of the area and its history.

Overnight Galilee– including Full Buffet Breakfast and Dinner.


-Breakfast at your hotel.

-Professional certified licensed Tour Guide, entrance fees, and attractions per day itinerary.

-Dinner at your hotel.

-Your selection of 5 Star Deluxe to 4 Star Standard hotel accommodations.


Day 9 – Tuesday: Sea of Galilee / Nazareth

Nel tour odierno della Palestina/Israele (Terra Santa) ci recheremo a Tiberiade e vedremo Cafarnao, indicata nella Bibbia come la "città di Gesù", e vedremo gli scavi della sinagoga e la moderna chiesa ottagonale di San Pietro. Poi, procederemo verso Nazareth e visiteremo la chiesa dell'Annunciazione. Continueremo il nostro tour guidando attraverso Beit She'an, il più grande parco archeologico della Palestina/Israele (Terra Santa) con incredibili scavi del periodo romano e bizantino. Questo sito rivaleggia con le rovine dell'antica Roma. La prossima tappa del tour sarà Beit Alpha per vedere i bellissimi pavimenti a mosaico di una sinagoga dell'era bizantina raffiguranti lo zodiaco.

Pernottamento a Tel Aviv, inclusa colazione completa a buffet.


-Colazione in hotel.

- Guida turistica professionista certificata e autorizzata, biglietti d'ingresso e itinerario giornaliero delle attrazioni.

- La tua selezione di sistemazioni alberghiere da 5 stelle Deluxe a 4 stelle Standard.


Giorno 10 – Mercoledì: Tel Aviv / Aeroporto Ben Gurion

Colazione in hotel, check-out dalla camera alle 12:00 e deposito bagagli presso l'Hotel Concierge. Il prelievo dalla hall dell'hotel all'aeroporto Ben Gurion avverrà 4 ore prima del volo di partenza.

Trasferimento dal vostro hotel di Tel Aviv all'aeroporto internazionale Ben Gurion per il volo di ritorno a casa o verso la vostra destinazione successiva.


-Colazione in hotel.

- Trasferimento dal vostro hotel di Tel Aviv all'aeroporto internazionale Ben Gurion per il volo di ritorno a casa o verso la vostra destinazione successiva.


Trasferimenti. Il tragitto da Tel Aviv dura circa 50-60 minuti. Per i voli internazionali è necessario effettuare il check-in almeno 3 ore prima dell'orario di partenza del volo. NOTA BENE: NESSUN COSTO EXTRA PER I TRASFERIMENTI IN ARRIVO E PARTENZA, IN QUALSIASI MOMENTO E GIORNO.


Condizioni di prenotazione del tour

: 1-Minimum time for booking Multi-Day tours, last minute booking and Availability of JHT team. STND

-(A)- For multi-day tours, we will accept reservation requests up to 72 hour before tour commencement date (Please consider weekends, official holidays and office hours indicated below). -(B)- Our tour consultants are typically reachable during office hours only: Sun – Thu 10:00-18:00 (Jordan Time: 3 hrs past GMT). In cases of emergencies, you can reach our team through our main mobile contact shown on our website anytime any day, (or if in contact with you a tour consultant already, you would have their specific contact info directly). -(C)- Please consider Weekend in Jordan is Fri-Sat. Official National Holidays & Religious Holidays include but not limited to: Easter, Eids, Labor Day, Christmas, New Year’s Eve…etc. -(D)- When applicable, and in order to benefit from visa fee waiver conditioned with spending 2 consecutive nights in Jordan, we kindly ask that you share your passport information which will be kept safely in line with our privacy agreement, we will use this to prepare a manifest and allow our team to meet & greet you at the airport. -(E)- A visa fee applies for groups and individual travelers spending 1 night only prior to departure from the Kingdom, Visa fees are subject to change with no notice by authorities. -(F)- Confirmation for those tours will be issued on securing the needed services and accommodation is booked. Most hotel reservation teams are reachable till 17:00 Jordan time during weekdays. -(G)- Knowledge and recommendations: Booking last minute can be a bit of a double-edged sword when it comes to travel. While the spontaneity can add an exciting edge to your plans, it's important to consider that the availability of services might be limited and the quality of services can be compromised. While we'll do our best to accommodate your preferences, it's worth keeping in mind that securing the most sought-after services may be a bit more challenging. Planning in advance not only secures the best options but also ensures a smoother and more enjoyable journey, allowing you to make the most of your travel experience without the constraints that last-minute bookings might bring.
: 2- Quotation and rates for Multi-Day trips in Jordan. STND

-(A)- Our multi-day tours are completely tailor made to fit individual preferences. Because those tours are customized, kindly check with us for rates for your requested tour. Note it is possible to select the desired accommodation standard 3, 4 or 5-star / typically offers are based on standard rooms in related hotels unless otherwise stated, upgraded room categories and / or family rooms would incur a surcharge. If interested to book accommodation directly yourself – please get in touch. -(B)- Accommodation choices and preferences will be considered, yet can’t be guaranteed as this is subject to hotel or camp availability and policies. Alternatives of same desired level can be secured (subject to availability). -(C)- For FTIs (small groups up to 6 guests) - local spot guide in Petra and Jerash would be included (who’d only join during your visit in Petra or Jerash only – if your visit includes either site) please see notes. Yet for groups of 7 guests and more it is mandated by law that we secure a government licensed Guide to escort the group from start till drop off to any destination in Jordan. -(D)- All quotes are based on English speaking local or government licensed guides. Other languages are subject to availability and can’t be guaranteed especially at peak season times, and can ultimately incur a surcharge. -(E)- The Local guides (who are at the visitor’s center of Petra site) are assigned at the visitor's center of the site on a turn-basis. Travel Agencies cannot guarantee the quality of their services. - We endeavor to utilize the guiding services of a licensed guide who is known to our agency. During peak times we might provide you with a guide from the Petra Visitors center. As these guides are not known to our agency, we cannot guarantee the level of their service. Any complaints about problems encountered with the guides from the Petra Visitors center should be directed to the Petra Visitors Centre directly at the conclusion of your guided tour.
: 3- Booking online and - or How to book this tour (Multi-Day trips)? STND

-(A)- You can request to book your desired tour online or please contact us by email. Online bookings are not confirmed until a personalized email detailing that a booking is confirmed is sent by a member of our reservation team, which will be within 24-48 hours of receiving your online booking. -(B)- We endeavor to display accurate availability on our website, though on rare occasions online bookings are made concurrently with others, and our website cannot reflect this information. -(C)- Securing accommodation space for larger group is primarily controlled by hotel – camp availability. Feedback will be shared with guests, to determine how best to proceed, example standard rooms may not be fully available, upgraded room types for an additional surcharge could be proposed to guest, our team will make sure you understand your options and can decide accordingly.
: 4- In very rare cases, JHT reserves the rights to amend or cancel the booking in the following cases: STND

-(A)- In Last minute booking in less than 24 hrs period of the requested date. -(B)- When no personalized follow up email detailing that a booking is confirmed is sent by a member of our reservation team. If our JHT team is not available i.e. contact outside working hours, weekends, national holiday, religious holidays or any applicable holiday i.e. Easter, Eids, Christmas, New Year’s Eve…etc. -(C)- In cases of missing / faulty information on guests’ side. -(D)- Also JHT reserves the right to amend /cancel the tour / itinerary for reasons such as service requirements, road or weather conditions, hotel or camp announcements or unforeseen circumstances. Where a change /cancellation is of a significant nature it will be advised to our customers in writing. JHT cannot be held responsible for any service that we are unable to provide due to that particular component being unavailable due to circumstances beyond our control. -(E)- Refunds will be applied as applicable
: 5- Check Our Terms and Conditions, in addition to our Payments Methods, Conditions, Cancellation & Refunds. STND

-(A)- Check both where you will find their links at the footer/bottom of our website