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Jerusalem, a city of unparalleled historical and spiritual significance, stands as a profound symbol of faith and heritage, attracting millions of visitors from around the world. Nestled in the Judean hills, Jerusalem is a sacred city for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, offering a unique tapestry of religious landmarks and cultural treasures. The Old City, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a walled enclave divided into four quarters—Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and Armenian—each brimming with historical and religious sites. The Western Wall, the holiest site in Judaism, invites Jews for prayer and reflection, while the nearby Church of the Holy Sepulchre marks the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, drawing countless Christian pilgrims. The Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque, prominent Islamic landmarks, dominate the Temple Mount with their stunning architecture and profound religious significance. Beyond the spiritual, Jerusalem offers vibrant markets like the Mahane Yehuda, where visitors can savor local flavors, and cultural institutions such as the Israel Museum, home to the Dead Sea Scrolls. With its seamless blend of ancient history and modern vibrancy, Jerusalem provides an enriching and deeply moving experience, making it a must-visit destination for those exploring the heart of the Holy Land.