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Understanding Local Customs, Responsible Photography, and Language and Communication in Jordan


As a travel agency in Jordan committed to promoting responsible tourism, it's crucial to equip travelers with the knowledge they need to respect and appreciate the local culture. This article provides essential information on understanding Jordanian customs, guidelines for responsible photography, and basic Arabic phrases for respectful communication.

Understanding Local Customs

Jordan is a country rich in traditions and cultural heritage. Understanding and respecting these customs is key to a meaningful and responsible travel experience.

  1. Greetings: Jordanians are known for their hospitality. A common greeting is "As-salamu alaykum" (Peace be upon you), to which the response is "Wa alaykum as-salam" (And upon you be peace). Handshakes are common, but it's polite to wait and see if a hand is extended, especially with the opposite sex.

  2. Dress Code: Modesty is highly valued in Jordan. Men should avoid wearing shorts in public places, while women should wear clothing that covers their arms, legs, and chest. In religious sites, more conservative attire is required.

  3. Hospitality: Accepting invitations to tea or meals is a sign of respect and gratitude. It's polite to bring a small gift, such as sweets or fruits, when visiting someone's home.

  4. Dining Etiquette: When dining, it’s customary to eat with your right hand. Refusing food can be considered impolite, so try to at least taste everything offered.

  5. Public Behavior: Public displays of affection are frowned upon. It’s important to behave modestly and respectfully in public spaces.

  6. Religious Practices: Jordan is a predominantly Muslim country. Be respectful during prayer times, avoid eating in public during Ramadan, and dress modestly when visiting mosques.

Responsible Photography

Photography is a wonderful way to capture memories, but it’s important to be respectful and considerate, especially in a culturally rich and diverse country like Jordan.

  1. Ask for Permission: Always ask for permission before photographing people, especially women and children. A simple phrase like "Hal astaTee'u taSweeruka?" (Can I take your picture?) can go a long way.

  2. Respect Privacy: Avoid taking photos of private homes, military installations, and other sensitive areas. Respect the privacy of individuals and communities.

  3. Be Mindful of Religious Sites: Some religious sites and artifacts may have restrictions on photography. Always check for signs or ask a guide about photography rules.

  4. Cultural Sensitivity: Be aware of cultural sensitivities. Avoid taking photos that could be considered disrespectful, such as those of people praying or engaging in private activities.

  5. Nature and Wildlife: When photographing nature and wildlife, maintain a respectful distance and avoid disturbing the environment. Use your camera’s zoom feature rather than getting too close.

Language and Communication

Learning a few basic Arabic phrases can greatly enhance your travel experience and show respect for the local culture. Here are some essential phrases and tips for respectful communication.

  1. Basic Phrases:

    • Hello: "Marhaba"
    • Thank you: "Shukran"
    • Please: "Min fadlak" (to a man), "Min fadlik" (to a woman)
    • Yes: "Na'am"
    • No: "La"
    • Excuse me/Sorry: "Afwan"
    • How are you?: "Kayfa halak?" (to a man), "Kayfa halik?" (to a woman)
    • Good morning: "Sabah al-khair"
    • Good evening: "Masa' al-khair"
    • Goodbye: "Ma'a as-salama"
  2. Respectful Communication:

    • Use Titles and Formality: Address people using titles (Mr., Mrs., Dr.) and their first name or family name. This shows respect and politeness.
    • Body Language: Use appropriate body language. Nodding your head, maintaining eye contact, and smiling are positive gestures.
    • Listening: Show genuine interest in conversations. Listening attentively is a sign of respect and helps build rapport.
  3. Tips for Learning:

    • Practice Regularly: Use the phrases regularly to get comfortable with them.
    • Language Apps: Utilize language learning apps to improve your skills.
    • Engage with Locals: Practice speaking with locals. Most Jordanians appreciate the effort and are patient with language learners.


Understanding local customs, practicing responsible photography, and learning basic Arabic phrases are essential components of responsible tourism in Jordan. These practices not only enhance the travel experience but also demonstrate respect for the local culture and people. By adopting these principles, travelers can contribute to the sustainable and respectful development of tourism in Jordan, ensuring that this beautiful and historically rich country can be enjoyed by future generations.

Author: Shamaseen JHT On: 2024-06-07.
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