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Dining Etiquette in Jordan: Cultural Customs and Traditions

Dining in Jordan is not just about food; it's an opportunity to experience the warmth of Jordanian hospitality and the rich tapestry of its culture. Understanding and respecting local dining etiquette is essential for visitors to enjoy authentic culinary experiences and build meaningful connections with locals. Explore the following guide to dining etiquette in Jordan to ensure a pleasant and respectful dining experience.

Before the Meal

  1. Invitations and Arrivals

    • Accepting Invitations: If invited to a Jordanian home for a meal, it is customary to accept the invitation graciously.
    • Arrival Time: Arrive on time or slightly later than the specified time, as punctuality is appreciated but not strictly enforced.
  2. Seating Arrangements

    • Host's Seating: Wait for the host to indicate where you should sit. The most honored guest is often seated to the right of the host.
    • Shoes Off: In some traditional Jordanian homes, guests may be asked to remove their shoes before entering.

During the Meal

  1. Table Manners

    • Eating with the Right Hand: In Jordanian culture, it is customary to eat with the right hand, as the left hand is considered unclean.
    • Sharing Food: Jordanian meals are often communal, with dishes served family-style. Take only what you need and pass dishes to others before serving yourself.
    • Tasting Everything: It is polite to taste a bit of everything served, even if you do not intend to eat a large portion.
  2. Conversations and Interactions

    • Engage with Hosts: Engage in polite conversation with your hosts, expressing appreciation for the meal and asking about their well-being and family.
    • Compliments: Compliment the host on the food and hospitality, as it is a gesture of respect and appreciation.
    • Avoid Controversial Topics: Avoid discussing politics, religion, or other sensitive topics unless initiated by your hosts.

After the Meal

  1. Thanking the Host

    • Expressing Gratitude: Thank your hosts for their hospitality and the delicious meal before departing.
    • Sending Follow-Up Thanks: Consider sending a thank-you note or small gift to your hosts after the meal to show your appreciation.
  2. Offering to Help

    • Offer Assistance: Offer to help clear the table or wash dishes, although your offer may be politely declined.
    • Respecting Refusals: If your offer to help is declined, respect your hosts' decision and express gratitude for their hospitality.

Additional Etiquette Tips

  1. Dress Modestly: When dining in more formal settings or with conservative hosts, dress modestly, covering shoulders and knees.
  2. Use Utensils When Offered: In formal dining settings or when dining with utensils, use them appropriately rather than eating with your hands.
  3. Respecting Ramadan: During the month of Ramadan, be mindful of fasting hours and avoid eating, drinking, or smoking in public during daylight hours out of respect for those observing the fast.


By following these dining etiquette guidelines, visitors can enjoy authentic culinary experiences in Jordan while respecting local customs and traditions. Dining in Jordan is not just about the food; it's an opportunity to connect with locals, build friendships, and create lasting memories. Embrace the warmth of Jordanian hospitality and savor every moment of your dining experiences in this vibrant and welcoming country.

Author: Shamaseen JHT On: 2024-06-02.
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