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Experience & Explore Jordan

Experience Jordan: What to do and activities 

Comprehensive Jordan holiday packages with top-notch accommodations for perfect tours and trips in Jordan

History and culture: 

There is no doubt that Jordan is a kingdom full of history and culture. From the moment you arrive, you get a sense of its rich heritage; All around us are remnants of ancient civilizations that are long gone, but still remain, stamped into the very fabric of this amazing Kingdom and etched into the souls of the people who live here.

Ecology and Adventure:

The nature of the earth has shaped the nature of its inhabitants for centuries; and the nature of the land here has inspired hospitable people, varied local cuisine and extraordinary experiences. The variety of the landscape also inspires locals and guests to go on safaris, observe migratory birds in their seasonal movements, observe endangered species in their natural habitats, search for rare flowers in the valleys and hills, enjoy horse riding or Walk through the Kingdom. .
In Jordan you can hike through canyons, descend impressive waterfalls in the middle of pristine nature, climb cliffs and mountains to reach impressive views, ride a bicycle along the paths of the kings and emperors of history, and much more.

Leisure and Wellbeing:

The popularity of spa holidays has increased around the world as many people are adopting healthier lifestyles. For this reason, Jordan has complemented its natural therapeutic sites with first-class resorts offering a wide range of amenities. The goal is to provide its visitors with a unique and relaxing experience that meets all their health, fitness and beauty needs.

Aguas termales de Ma'in/ Hamamat Ma'in:
Si le apetece una sensación refrescante del agua caliente que burbujea desde el núcleo de la Tierra, la vigorizante terapia de las aguas termales de Ma'in seguramente será su solución. Situado a 264 metros bajo el nivel del mar, este tranquilo oasis es el tratamiento perfecto de las bulliciosas calles de Ammán. El Ma'in Hot Springs Resort está situado a 37 km de la ciudad de Madaba.

Wadi Rum:
Este es un lugar estupendo y atemporal, prácticamente intacto por la humanidad y sus fuerzas destructivas. Aquí, son el clima y los vientos los que han esculpido los imponentes y altísimos rascacielos, tan elegantemente descritos por TE Lawrence como "vastos, resonantes y divinos..." La serenidad del desierto además de la calidez y hospitalidad de su La gente hace de Wadi Rum el destino perfecto para relajar la mente y el cuerpo.

Mar Muerto:
1-spas y terapias
Los atributos inusuales del Mar Muerto se conocen desde hace siglos. Es el único lugar del mundo donde existe esta combinación particular de beneficios de spa. La radiación solar peculiar y las condiciones climáticas, la atmósfera enriquecida con oxígeno, la sal marina rica en minerales, los manantiales termominerales y el barro rico en minerales ofrecen tratamientos médicos eficaces y beneficios terapéuticos que atraen a visitantes de todo el mundo. Las plantas que crecen a orillas del lago, en particular el árbol bálsamo, producen cosméticos, perfumes y sustancias medicinales de gran valor y demanda.

2-Lodo del Mar Muerto
La principal atracción del Mar Muerto es el agua cálida, relajante y súper salada, unas diez veces más salada que el agua de mar y rica en sales de cloruro de magnesio, sodio, potasio, bromo y varias otras. Las aguas inusualmente cálidas, increíblemente boyantes y ricas en minerales han atraído a visitantes desde la antigüedad, incluidos el rey Herodes el Grande y la bella reina egipcia Cleopatra. Todos ellos se han deleitado con el rico, negro y estimulante barro del Mar Muerto y han flotado sin esfuerzo sobre sus espaldas mientras absorbían los saludables minerales del agua junto con los suaves rayos del sol jordano.
Los estudios han demostrado que la combinación del agua del Mar Muerto y el rico barro negro que se encuentra a lo largo de la costa tiene importantes beneficios para la salud, incluido el aumento de la circulación, el alivio de las molestias causadas por la artritis, la curación de alergias y la revitalización de la piel.

Floating in the Dead Sea is an experience like no other. The extreme salinity and location of the Dead Sea, 400 meters below sea level, have created one of the most unique environments in the world. Pride of place goes to the incredible experience of floating in the Dead Sea: it is literally impossible to sink thanks to the buoyancy of water, and the properties of water have been mentioned and recorded since the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations.

Religion and faith: 

The land of modern-day Jordan has been the scene of important events in the history of Christianity, spanning throughout the centuries of the New and Old Testament. It is because of this religious significance that sites around Jordan have been designated as pilgrimage sites and have been visited by Pope John Paul VI, Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis in the last half century. As a land dedicated to religious coexistence, the country of Jordan maintains and protects these religious sites for the use of pilgrims from around the world.

Conferences and Events

Stunning landscapes, extraordinary locations and ultra-modern facilities create the ideal environment for both business and pleasure in Jordan. As a major MICE destination in the MENA region, Jordan presents a strong proposition for meeting planners looking to take advantage of the country's world-class business facilities, strategic location and abundance of natural attractions. A period of significant development has seen the birth of a new business landscape in Jordan, with modern meeting venues featuring the latest innovations in design and technology.

The Jordan Path

The Jordan Trail is a long-distance hiking route in Jordan; connecting all of Jordan from Umm Qais in the north to Aqaba in the south. Offering 40 days of walking with over 650 kilometers of trails, taking in 52 towns and cities on one wonderful journey, the trail passes through the diverse landscapes and views of the Jordanian countryside; from the forested hills of the north, to the rugged wadis and cliffs overlooking the Jordan Valley, the pink rock city of Petra and the crystal clear waters of the Red Sea.
Walking the Jordan Trail becomes a journey through Jordan's history and an encounter with its diverse culture. Traveling throughout the country gives visitors the opportunity to learn about different layers of culture; Sample Jordan's varied cuisines and meet local people while spending wonderful nights in local homestays. The trail passes through the region's main historical sites, such as Umm Qais, Jerash and Petra, while also taking in ruins hidden among the earth.

Author: Shamaseen JHT On: 2024-05-14.
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