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Local Laws and Etiquette in Jordan: A Guide for Visitors


Understanding and respecting local laws and etiquette is essential for visitors to Jordan to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience during their stay. Jordan is known for its rich history, warm hospitality, and conservative culture, and adhering to local customs and regulations is key to showing respect for the country and its people. Explore the following guide to learn about the laws and etiquette practices in Jordan.

Legal Considerations

  1. Respect for Religion

    • Islam: Jordan is a predominantly Muslim country, and Islamic customs and traditions are deeply ingrained in society. Visitors should show respect for Islamic practices, including refraining from public displays of affection and dressing modestly, particularly in religious sites.
  2. Alcohol and Drug Laws

    • Alcohol Consumption: While alcohol is available in licensed establishments such as hotels and restaurants, public intoxication is illegal. It is advisable to consume alcohol responsibly and in moderation.
    • Drug Possession: Possession, use, or trafficking of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited and punishable by law, including severe penalties such as imprisonment and fines.
  3. Photography and Videography

    • Respect Privacy: Always seek permission before photographing individuals, particularly women and children, out of respect for their privacy and cultural norms.
    • Military Sites: Avoid photographing military installations, government buildings, or sensitive infrastructure, as it may be perceived as suspicious activity and lead to complications.
  4. Public Behavior

    • Public Conduct: Behave respectfully in public spaces, refraining from loud or disruptive behavior, especially in religious sites, markets, and residential areas.
    • Public Displays of Affection: Public displays of affection, such as kissing and hugging, are generally considered inappropriate in Jordanian society and should be avoided.

Cultural Etiquette

  1. Greetings and Interactions

    • Greetings: When meeting someone, greet them with a handshake and a polite greeting such as "As-salamu alaykum" (peace be upon you). Use titles such as "Mr." or "Mrs." followed by the person's surname unless invited to use their first name.
    • Gender Interactions: In conservative settings, it is best to avoid prolonged eye contact or physical contact with individuals of the opposite sex unless initiated by them.
  2. Dress Code

    • Modesty: Dress modestly, particularly in religious sites and conservative areas. For both men and women, clothing should cover shoulders, knees, and cleavage. Women may choose to wear a headscarf (hijab) as a sign of respect, especially in mosques.
    • Footwear: When entering mosques or homes, remove your shoes as a sign of respect.
  3. Eating Etiquette

    • Eating with the Right Hand: In Jordanian culture, it is customary to eat with the right hand, as the left hand is considered unclean.
    • Sharing Food: Jordanian meals are often communal, with dishes served family-style. Take only what you need and pass dishes to others before serving yourself.


By familiarizing yourself with local laws and etiquette in Jordan, you can ensure a respectful and harmonious interaction with the country and its people. Embrace the warmth of Jordanian hospitality, show respect for local customs and traditions, and immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry of this fascinating destination. Your understanding and adherence to local laws and etiquette will enhance your experience and leave a positive impression on the people you encounter during your visit to Jordan.

Author: Shamaseen JHT On: 2024-06-02.
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