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Petra FAQs


Spot Guides for Petra

We include a 2.5 hour guided tour for Petra in our tours. Normally the guided tour will be conducted by one of the guides that are contracted by our agency. There are many trials we offer as well, checkout the related optional trails in our Optional tours page.

*We endeavour to utilise the guiding services of a licensed guide who is known to our agency. During peak times we might provide you with a guide from the Petra Visitors centre. As these guides are not known to our agency we can not guarantee the level of their service. Any complaints about problems encountered with the guides from the Petra Visitors centre should be directed to the Petra Visitors Centre directly at the conclusion of your guided tour.

 Guided Tour in Petra

We include as a standard feature for our Petra tours a 03 hour guided tour by a spot guide. The 03 hour tour will cover the main trail and depending on the pace of your group you will walk from the Visitors Centre to the Treasury and then onto the Roman Theatre. You may be able to cover the full distance of the main trail to the Basin Restaurant. This takes approximately 02 hours. The guided tour consists of 02 hours going into the site and 01 hour return as a total duration of 03 hours (continuous). You can choose to leave the guide after 02 hours and continue on your own and return at a later time.

700m horse ride from Visitors Centre to the entrance of the Siq.

Included in your entry ticket for Petra is a horse ride from the main gate to the top of the Siq. It is not compulsory to take this horse ride. If you wish to take this horse ride the horse handler will expect a tip of approximately 5JD per horse. This ride is not insured and is upon the guest’s own responsibility.

Electric golf carts in Petra

There are a limited number of electric golf carts available for hire. The hire of these can be arranged through the Visitors Centre on the day of your arrival and are subject to availability. Each golf cart holds a maximum of 5 guests and the driver. This ride is not insured and is upon the guest’s own responsibility.

Camel/Donkey rides in Petra

You are able to hire camels and donkeys in Petra. This can be arranged on the day and your guide is able to help you. This ride is not insured and is upon the guest’s own responsibility.


Box lunches for Petra

If you would like to take a box lunch into Petra to enjoy as picnic in the site this can be arranged for a cost of $10USD per person. There are places inside the site where you can purchase food.

Petra tour notes and Checklist

-What to Wear :

Sportswear, baggy pants, and walking shoes are advisable. Keep in mind the relative conservatism of Middle Eastern societies. Summer evenings can be quite cool, so one should be prepared to wear a shawl or sweater. Winters are cold, windy and rainy.

-Be Well Prepared:

Good hiking shoes Light, loose fitting cotton clothing A hat/cap to protect you from the harsh sun. Sunscreen is a must.


-Photo Equipment:

Wide lens will be very useful in the narrow places.

Obviously a good camera and enough memory to store the many pictures you are going to take.


-Use only licensed transportation tickets inside Petra:

Use only licensed forms of transport inside Petra (check at the Visitor Center to make sure what can be used).


-Do not Venture off the Main Trail Alone:

Do not venture off the main trail alone. In order to ensure your safety, please explore only designated trails and arrange for a guide to take you along any of the other trails. You must have a guide for the guided trails.


-In case of an emergency, find the nearest tourist police:

In case of an emergency, find the nearest tourist police member or park ranger and ask for assistance. You can also call (+962)-3-2156487 to reach the tourist police office. The tourist police office is inside the Visitor Center.


-We encourage you to learn about the local communities:

We encourage you to learn about the local communities. We ask you to be sensitive and respectful to their customs, culture, and religion.


-Please do not walk on the Monuments:

Please do not walk on the monuments. Not only do we want to ensure our site stays pristine for many years to come, we also want to make sure you stay safe.


-Dispose of any Rubbish:

Be sure to dispose of any rubbish in the bins located inside the site. Please do not litter.


-Please do not purchase any antiquities:

Please do not purchase any antiquities, be they rocks or coins. There is no way of knowing whether they are real or not.


-All Tourists are requested to exit the Park before sunset:

For your safety, all tourists are requested to exit the Park before sunset as there are no lights in the site.

Author: Basma Hayudini JHT On: 2024-05-15.
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