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Case Studies and Success Stories: Examples of Successful Responsible Tourism Projects in Jordan


Responsible tourism in Jordan is growing, thanks to various projects and initiatives that focus on sustainability, community involvement, and environmental conservation. These projects not only enhance the travel experience but also ensure that tourism benefits local communities and preserves natural and cultural heritage. Here are some notable case studies and success stories from Jordan that illustrate the positive impact of responsible tourism.

Case Study 1: Feynan Ecolodge


Feynan Ecolodge, located in the Dana Biosphere Reserve, is a prime example of sustainable tourism in Jordan. Established in 2005, this ecolodge is managed by EcoHotels and operates in partnership with the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN).

Key Features and Impact
  • Sustainable Design and Operations: The lodge is powered primarily by solar energy and uses sustainable water and waste management practices. Its design minimizes environmental impact, blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings.
  • Community Involvement: Feynan employs local Bedouin people, providing them with jobs and training in hospitality. The lodge sources food and supplies from nearby communities, supporting local businesses.
  • Cultural Preservation: Visitors at Feynan can engage in cultural activities such as Bedouin tea-making, bread baking, and stargazing, fostering an appreciation for local traditions.
  • Conservation Efforts: The lodge contributes to the conservation of the Dana Biosphere Reserve by promoting eco-friendly tourism and raising awareness about environmental protection.

Case Study 2: Jordan Trail


The Jordan Trail is a long-distance hiking route that spans over 650 kilometers from the north to the south of Jordan. It passes through diverse landscapes, including forests, deserts, and ancient ruins, offering a unique way to explore the country.

Key Features and Impact
  • Community-Based Tourism: The trail connects 52 villages and communities, encouraging hikers to stay in local guesthouses, eat at local restaurants, and purchase handmade crafts. This generates income for rural communities and supports local economies.
  • Cultural Exchange: Hikers on the Jordan Trail can experience Jordanian hospitality, learn about local customs, and participate in traditional activities, fostering cultural exchange and understanding.
  • Environmental Awareness: The trail promotes sustainable travel practices and educates hikers about the importance of conserving Jordan’s natural landscapes.
  • Economic Development: The increased foot traffic has led to the development of new businesses and services along the trail, such as guiding services, accommodation, and transportation, boosting local economies.

Case Study 3: Wild Jordan Center


The Wild Jordan Center in Amman, operated by the RSCN, serves as a hub for promoting eco-tourism and conservation. It showcases Jordan's nature reserves and offers various tourism services.

Key Features and Impact
  • Eco-Friendly Facilities: The center features sustainable architecture, eco-friendly products, and organic food, promoting a green lifestyle.
  • Support for Nature Reserves: Proceeds from the Wild Jordan Center support the conservation of Jordan’s nature reserves, funding projects that protect biodiversity and habitats.
  • Education and Outreach: The center provides educational programs and workshops on environmental conservation, raising awareness among locals and tourists about sustainable practices.
  • Community Empowerment: Wild Jordan supports local communities by marketing products made by women’s cooperatives and providing employment opportunities in eco-tourism.

Government Policies and Support: Overview of Jordanian Government Policies Promoting Sustainable Tourism


The Jordanian government has recognized the importance of sustainable tourism in driving economic growth, preserving cultural heritage, and protecting natural resources. Various policies and initiatives have been implemented to promote responsible tourism practices across the country.

National Tourism Strategy

Vision and Goals
  • Sustainable Growth: The National Tourism Strategy aims to achieve sustainable growth in the tourism sector by balancing economic development with environmental and cultural preservation.
  • Quality and Competitiveness: The strategy focuses on improving the quality of tourism services and infrastructure to enhance Jordan's competitiveness as a destination.
  • Community Involvement: It emphasizes the role of local communities in tourism development, promoting community-based tourism and ensuring that benefits are distributed equitably.

Key Policies and Initiatives

  1. Environmental Protection Regulations:

    • The government has enacted laws and regulations to protect natural areas, wildlife, and archaeological sites. These include restrictions on development in protected areas and measures to control pollution and waste.
  2. Support for Eco-Tourism:

    • Initiatives such as the establishment of eco-lodges and the promotion of eco-friendly activities are supported through grants, subsidies, and technical assistance. The government collaborates with NGOs and private sector partners to develop eco-tourism products and services.
  3. Cultural Heritage Preservation:

    • Policies are in place to protect Jordan’s cultural heritage, including the restoration and maintenance of historical sites. The government supports projects that promote the sustainable use of cultural resources for tourism.
  4. Community-Based Tourism Programs:

    • The government encourages the development of community-based tourism by providing funding and training to local communities. Programs are designed to empower communities to manage and benefit from tourism activities.
  5. Public Awareness Campaigns:

    • Campaigns aimed at educating both locals and tourists about the importance of sustainable tourism practices are regularly conducted. These include promoting the Leave No Trace principles and encouraging responsible behavior at tourist sites.

Support and Partnerships

  1. Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN):

    • The RSCN partners with the government to manage nature reserves and promote eco-tourism. It plays a key role in implementing conservation projects and developing sustainable tourism initiatives.
  2. USAID and International Organizations:

    • International organizations such as USAID provide financial and technical support for sustainable tourism projects in Jordan. These partnerships help to enhance the capacity of local institutions and communities to manage tourism sustainably.
  3. Private Sector Collaboration:

    • The government works with private sector stakeholders to promote sustainable tourism practices. This includes partnerships with hotels, tour operators, and other tourism-related businesses to implement green practices and support conservation efforts.


Jordan is making significant strides in promoting responsible tourism through successful projects and supportive government policies. Case studies like Feynan Ecolodge, the Jordan Trail, and the Wild Jordan Center demonstrate the positive impact of sustainable tourism initiatives. Government policies and partnerships further enhance these efforts by creating a conducive environment for responsible tourism development. By supporting these initiatives and following responsible tourism practices, travelers can contribute to the preservation of Jordan’s natural and cultural heritage while enjoying a meaningful and enriching travel experience.

Author: Shamaseen JHT On: 2024-06-07.
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