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Seasons in Jordan

Seasons in Jordan :

Jordan has four distinct seasons; winter and spring are relatively short, while summers are long, dry and relatively hot. The low humidity means that even temperatures in the low thirties are bearable. Jordan does not get the extreme heat that the gulf countries are accustomed to, and temperatures rarely go over 35 degrees Celsius even in the peak of summer.


  A- Summer Season in Jordan 

During the summer months, approximately from June to September, Amman experiences high temperatures, reaching up to 40°C in the city center. Despite the heat, it is a dry warmth, seldom causing discomfort, and the hills provide some relief with cooler breezes. However, the Dead Sea and Aqaba can be exceptionally hot, with temperatures surpassing 45°C. Aqaba, in particular, faces an oppressive hot wind that can feel like being exposed to a fan-assisted oven. The intense, hazy light during this season flattens the brown landscape and diminishes the beauty of the desert. Following the locals' lead, it is advisable to use the period between noon and 3 pm as a time to rest indoors in the cool environment.

*Months of Summer Season in Jordan : 

6- June :

* Start of summer and low season

* Temperatures get uncomfortably hot

* Hiking and cycling tours drop off

When visiting Jordan in June, it's essential to bring along a refillable water bottle and a wide-brimmed hat. This marks the start of summer, with temperatures soaring into the mid-30°Cs and beyond, particularly when the dry southerly wind known as the Sirocco sweeps across the desert. While sandstorms are rare, they can occur. Despite this, June offers wonderfully clear desert skies, making sleep-outs at Bedouin encampments perfect for stargazing marvels.

7-July :

* Peak summer season

* Intense heat

* Jerash Festival begins

With temperatures frequently exceeding 40°C, July in Jordan is sweltering, making sightseeing, hiking, cycling, and even coastal resorts around the Red Sea uncomfortably hot. Thus, July is considered one of the least favorable times to visit Jordan. However, Amman tends to be slightly cooler than Petra and Aqaba during this month. Despite the heat, popular locations are typically much quieter. Jerash stands out in July, hosting a significant arts and culture festival amid its ancient Roman ruins.

8-August :

* Extreme Heat

* Bleached Landscapes

* Seek Midday Shade

August in Jordan brings intense heat, prompting visitors to follow the locals' lead and seek shade between midday and mid-afternoon. Staying well-hydrated is crucial, as even the camels’ exhibit signs of dehydration. The Jordan Valley, the vicinity around Aqaba and the Eastern Desert endure scorching temperatures, resulting in a bleached landscape. The iconic rocky walls of Petra may also lose some of their vibrancy during this time. Given Jordan's water shortages, it's advisable to conserve water by minimizing showers.


  B- Autumn Season in Jordan :

Typically, Jordan experiences a transitional period in the fall, spanning from mid-September to mid-November. This time frame marks the gradual departure from the high summer temperatures, offering a few weeks of pleasant weather. For those fortunate enough to witness this shift, it can be an ideal time to visit. The initial rains, arriving in early to mid-October, bring life back to the parched countryside and bring temperatures to more comfortable levels. From a tourism perspective, autumn in Jordan represents another peak season. The intense summer heat gives way to agreeable warmth, and by the latter half of September, the sea waters cool slightly, reaching around 25°C (77°F) by the season's end. This temperature is particularly appealing due to its cooling effect. In November, cities and towns in the central part of the country experience temperatures around 20°C (68°F) with occasional drizzle. However, the Dead Sea coasts are noticeably warmer and drier, boasting temperatures of 27°C (81°F).


*Months of Autumn Season in Jordan:


* Autumn begins

* Temperatures start to fall

* Good time for Red Sea diving

In September, temperatures in Jordan begin to cool slightly, although daytime temperatures remain quite hot. This marks the beginning of autumn, another peak season for tourism in the country. September is highly regarded by swimmers, snorkelers, and scuba divers as one of the best times to visit Aqaba, located on the shores of the Red Sea. With water temperatures at a pleasant 26°C and abundant marine life, including eagle rays and turtles, it's an ideal time for water activities.


* Pleasant temperatures

* Some scattered rainfall

* Good for sightseeing and activity vacations

October is a highly favored time to visit Jordan due to significantly cooler temperatures. While occasional patches of rain add color to desert landscapes, most of the month remains dry. October in Jordan offers a plethora of activities, ranging from archaeology trips and multi-activity vacations to birdwatching and scuba diving. Additionally, it's the optimal time to visit the Dead Sea, where the warm water provides an ideal setting for a relaxation and some floating.


* Perfect Trekking

* Red & Dead Sea are busy

* Chilly mornings and evenings

November offers much to enjoy in Jordan, whether it's sightseeing or exploring the desert. The climate is typically sunny, warm, and dry, making it perfect for activities like walking, cycling, and canyoning. The beaches and dive spots along the Red Sea are bustling with activity. However, as the winter rainy season approaches, there's a noticeable chill in the air, particularly in the evenings, so it's advisable to have a light jacket on hand.


  C-Winter Season in Jordan

In winter, spanning from approximately December to February, Amman can become extremely cold, experiencing brisk winds that sweep through the valleys, occasional rain showers, and even snowfall. Despite the chilly conditions, the sun remains in proximity. The winters in Petra can be challenging due to short days and freezing nights, with recorded lows reaching as extreme as -8°C. Wadi Rum is relatively milder, while Aqaba serves as a delightful escape, offering sunshine and warmth even in the heart of January. Both the Red Sea and Dead Sea maintain a consistently balmy water temperature of around 24°C throughout the year. By the end of February, the weather begins its transition towards a more warm state.


Months of Winter Season in Jordan :


* Start of winter, temperatures drop

* Flurries of snow in mountainous areas

* Good time for quieter sightseeing

You will certainly notice the onset of winter when visiting Jordan in December. Temperatures drop significantly, rain becomes common, and higher areas may even see their first snowfall. Despite this, December remains a favorable time to visit Jordan. Although mornings and evenings may be chilly, temperatures are generally comfortable. Attractions like Petra are less crowded, and both flights and accommodations tend to be more affordable.



* Petra and other sites without the crowds

* Dead Sea & Aqaba areas warmer

* Expect rain and chilly winds

January marks the coldest month in Jordan, with temperatures hovering around 4-90°C, although still manageable. It's advisable to have a light waterproof jacket for chilly mornings and evenings, as January typically sees up to 80 percent of its average rainfall, with occasional snowfall. However, visiting Petra during this time offers the advantage of fewer crowds, and swimming in the Red Sea is possible with a wetsuit.

2-February :

* Snow possible in the mountains

* Jordan Valley and Aqaba quite warm

* Aqaba Traditional Arts Festival

February in Jordan maintains its chilly temperatures, so it's essential to dress warmly despite being a desert country. The Eastern Desert, in particular, can experience bitterly cold and dry conditions. Snowfall is possible in the central hills during the winter months. While Amman tends to have very cold weather in February, Aqaba offers warmer temperatures, which is convenient for attending the Traditional Arts Festival.


  D- Spring Season in Jordan

The optimal time for a visit is during spring, from March to May, when temperatures are warm but not excessively hot. The landscape is adorned with wildflowers, even in the desert where a vibrant carpet of blooms emerges. The hills and valleys along the country's center become lush and display stunning colors. While the bulk of the rainfall concludes in March, it continues in Amman and the hills until late April. The humidity remains pleasant, and the low, clear sunlight illuminates the desert rocks, creating a magnificent array of color and texture. There is, however, one drawback – a desert wind, laden with dust and grit, blows consistently each spring or early summer from the Arabian interior. This wind is known as the khamseen ("fifty") across the Middle East, signifying the traditionally believed fifty days it persists (though in Jordan, it rarely lasts more than a few days). It has the potential to darken the sky and elevate temperatures by 10°C, coating everything and everyone in a layer of sand.


Months of Spring Season in Jordan :

3-March :

* Spring temperatures rising

* Petra and other sites still quiet

* Perfect weather for hiking

March brings the emergence of wildflowers, lush green valleys, and temperatures in the teens, signaling the start of spring in Jordan. This month often proves to be the optimal time to visit Petra and other popular destinations, as the crowds are still minimal compared to later in spring. With dry and sunny weather, March is ideal for walking in Jordan, allowing visitors to revel in the captivating landscapes without the summer heat.

4-April :

* Wildflowers in bloom

* Good for hiking and cycling

* Busy season and prices are high

As spring progresses, even desert landscapes in Jordan are adorned with vibrant wildflowers. April offers sunny, mostly dry weather with temperatures still comfortable for outdoor activities like walking and cycling. Areas like the Ajloun Forest Reserve boast lush greenery, adding to the enchanting scenery. Additionally, April presents the perfect opportunity to visit both Jordan and Israel together, allowing travelers to immerse themselves in their rich cultures and explore ancient sites on a combined trip.

5-May :

* Temperatures climbing

* Ideal sightseeing weather

* Can be crowded and expensive

May is a popular time to visit Jordan, thanks to its ideal climate for sightseeing, walking, and other outdoor activities across the country. However, this popularity means that popular sites like Petra, which is usually a few degrees warmer than Amman, can become very crowded. Additionally, flights and accommodations tend to be expensive during this month. It's worth noting that Jordan celebrates its independence from Britain on May 25th.

Author: Shamaseen JHT On: 2024-05-15.
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