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Sites of Jordan; Southern Gems

Dana & Feynan : What to do

Jordan Sites : What to see & Activities to do in each site in detail / Southern Jordan Gems;

Dana & Feynan : What to do

Dana Biosphere Reserve is an area of staggering beauty, history, and biodiversity. The only reserve in Jordan that encompasses the four different bio-geographical zones of the country (Mediterranean, Irano-Turanian, Saharo-Arabian and Sudanian), it is a melting pot of species from Europe, Africa and Asia. Such a combination of natural communities in a single area is unique in Jordan and many of Dana Biosphere Reserve’s animals and plants are very rare. So far, a total of 800 plant speciesand 449 animal species have been recorded in the Reserve, of which 25 are known to be endangered, including the Sand Cat, the Syrian Wolf, the Lesser Kestrel and the Spiny Tailed Lizard.



This trail passes through sandstone gorges, and the 3 different bio-geological zones of Dana. If you’re lucky you may see some endangered animals such as the Nubian Ibex. This trail leads downhill to Feynan, where visitors can arrange for return transportation or stay overnight in the Feynan Ecolodge. Alternatively, visitors can begin this trail at Feynan Ecolodge and travel to the Dana Guesthouse or Rummana Campsite.

This trail is operated year-round (except during Ramadan) and can be guided or self-guided.



The sun-drenched terraces of Dana Village provide a perfect place for growing fruit. The women of the village harvest the fruits by hand and lay them out in the Jordanian sun to dry. Afterwards, they are turned into delicious sun-dried fruit products that make perfect snacks for the whole family.



Starting from the Dana Guesthouse, this trail winds above the Dana Village and through the terraced gardens and local craft workshops. Visitors can meet the local residents, see original Ottoman architecture, and learn more about Dana’s rich history.

This trail is operated year-round and can be guided or self-guided.



This circular walk around the Rummana campsite is a great place to see birds, especially during migration seasons. The scenic viewpoints along the trail offer picturesque views of the Dana Mountains.

This trail is available between March 15th and October 31st and can be guided or self-guided.



This circular trail traverses Al-Barrah through a breathtaking siq, All the way to Shaq al Reesh. This trail is operated year-round (except during Ramadan) and is only available with a licensed guide.



This trail follows the huge escarpments of Wadi Dana between the Rummana Campsite and Dana Village. Passing through terraced gardens, the trail offers breathtaking views of the Wadi. The trail can also be done from the Rummana Campsite to the Guesthouse.

This trail is operated from March 15th until October 31st  (except during Ramadan) and is only available with a licensed guide. 



This circular trail begins from the Al-Barrah area and takes you to the beautiful mountains, springs and ancient ruins in the Nawatef Area and the Lodge. This trail is operated year-round but is only available through a licensed guide.



Perfect for adventure lovers who have no fear of heights, this trail descends through Wadi Dathneh, past an oasis, and through Wadi al Hamra to the Feynan area. This trail is operated year-round (except during Ramadan) but is only available through a licensed guide.



This trail stretches along the gravel river bed of the Wadi, alongside a flowing stream, to the entrance to Wadi Ghweir. Very similar to the famous Siq in Petra, the trail leads through magnificent sceneries of different stone formations and many unique plants and trees on both sides of the river. The scenery is so breathtaking it has been known to cause visitors to forget about everything else - including how long they have been hiking! After 3-5 hours, you will have tea and you can rest and learn more about the area from your guide. From there, continue to the Byzantine archaeology at Khirbet Feynan until you reach your final destination at Feynan Ecolodge.

This trail is operated year-round (except during Ramadan) but is only available through a licensed guide.



This circular trail starts from the campsite and ascends to the top of Rummana Mountain, with breathtaking views of Wadi Araba. Highlights on the trail include magnificent sandstone and limestone formations, birds of prey, and beautiful views of the nature reserve.

This trail is available between March 15th and October 31st and can be guided or self-guided.



Starting at the Rummana campsite, this trail passes by the unusual sandstone formations of Shaq al Kalb (Wadi of the Dog) to a group of small caves, believed to have been a religious retreat or hermitage.

This trail is available between March 15th and October 31st and can be guided or self-guided.



Local women from Dana produce fine hand-crafted copper, silver, and bronze jewelry. All the designs have been inspired by the wildlife and landscapes of the area.



Karak to Dana, The crusader landscape continues in this section as you exit Karak, passing the old crusader village of Shehabieh and the abandoned village of Khirbet Ainun. Orchards and olive groves grow abundantly through fertile plains. Crossing another Dead Sea canyon, Wadi Hasa, the landscape becomes a series of towering limestone cliffs and ridges before reaching Edomite ruins at Sela and Ma’tan. After moving on through the deep Wadi Labun, the trail turns to easier terrain as it passes over the next hill to the restored village of Dana, its hotels and campsite resting on the rim of Wadi Dana at the edge of the Dana Biosphere Reserve.

Total Length: 84.5 KM   

Days: 5 Hiking days

Main sites in the region:

- Karak Castle

- Khirbet Ainun village

- Tor al Taboun crags

- Wadi Hasa - Burbaita village

- Ma’tan and Buseira and Edomite ruins

- Dana Village and Dana Biosphere Reserve




Dana to Petra, A truly awe-inspiring section of the Jordan Train and named by National Geographic as one of the 15 best hikes in the world. The trail descends the hilltop village of Dana into Wadi Feynan and onto the dramatic mountain plateaus of Wadi Araba. This region crosses several climate zones, diverse ecosystems, hidden canyons, and dramatic labyrinths of hills and valleys displaying the full spectrum of the region’s geology. The scenery spans from majestic and epic mountaintops to peaceful, fertile farmlands with new landscapes presenting themselves every few kilometres. This section’s most dramatic and memorable aspect is the departure at the Nabatean masterpiece, Petra. A chance to enter the city through the ‘back door’ to walk in the footsteps of ancient traders. Few other trails can boast a site as spectacular as Petra.

Total Length: 72.6 KM

Days: 4 Hiking days

Main sites in the region:

- Dana Biosphere Reserve

- Feynan ruins and ancient copper mines

- Feynan ecolodge

- Hidden stream and waterfall in Wadi Feid

- Little Petra

- Petra, Nabatean capital and wonder of the world


Karak / Kerak : What to see & do

Whether you approach Karak from the ancient Kings Highway to the east or from the Dead Sea to the west, the striking silhouette of this fortified town and castle will instantly make you understand why the fates of kings and nations were decided here for millennia.

An ancient Crusader stronghold, Karak sits 900m above sea level and lies inside the walls of the old city. The city today is home to around 170,000 people and continues to boast a number of restored 19th century Ottoman buildings, restaurants, places to stay, and the like. But it is undoubtedly Karak Castle that dominates.



Karak Castle is a dark maze of stone-vaulted halls and endless passageways. The best preserved are underground and can be reached via a massive door (ask at the ticket desk). More imposing than beautiful, the castle is nevertheless an impressive insight into the architectural military genius of the Crusaders.

With some care, you can walk along the crenellated top of the West Front wall and admire the sweeping view. On clear days, you can look across the Dead Sea and see all the way to the Mount of Olives bordering Jerusalem.



Outside the castle, visitors can visit the Castle Plaza, where beautiful 19th century Ottoman administrative buildings have been redesigned to house a tourist center, with restaurants, a crafts center and other facilities grouped around a central plaza.



The Karak Archaeological Museum was established inside the old castle, which has remains from the Moabite period in the first millennium BC, going through the Nabataean, Roman, Byzantine, Islamic and Crusader periods. The museum was opened in 1980.

The main part of the museum is a large hall in a vault of the castle, used as living quarters for soldiers in the Mameluk period. The collections date from the Neolithic up to the late Islamic periods and come from the Karak and Tafila regions. Among the sites is Bab Adh-Dhra’, famous for its Bronze Age burials. The museum houses remains of skeletons and pottery from the Bab Adh-Dhra' graves; Iron Age II artefacts from Buseirah; Byzantine glass vessels and inscriptions, and Roman and Nabataean artefacts from Rabbah and Qasr.

 Opening hours: 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (during summer months) and 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (during winter months)

Petra : Activities & What to do

The ancient city of Petra is one of Jordan's national treasures and by far its best known tourist attraction. Located approximately three hours south of Amman, Petra is the legacy of the Nabataeans, an industrious Arab people who settled in southern Jordan more than 2,000 years ago. Admired then for its refined culture, massive architecture and ingenious complex of dams and water channels, Petra is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site that enchants visitors from all corners of the globe. Much of Petra's appeal comes from its spectacular setting deep inside a narrow desert gorge. The site is accessed by walking through a kilometre long chasm (or siq), the walls of which soar 200m upwards.

Activities & What to do :


The Ammarin Bedouin Camp is a sustainable community development project. A combination of history, nature, heritage and culture in one of the most beautiful areas in Jordan.

Any stay at this camp, founded and owned by the local Bedouin, promises living heritage and is sure to have an impact on you, all in the shadow of Petra.


This trail is the most visited trail in Petra, the trail starts from the visitor center of Petra through The Siq to The Treasury. While most tourists think that the trail ends at the ancient city’s main attraction, The Treasury, the main trail continues past the Siq, Royal Tombs, Colonnaded Street and ends by Qasr Al-Bint (The Girl’s Palace).   
Duration: This depends on the pace of the tourist but can take up to an hour from the visitors’ center to the Treasury. 
Level: Easy 


This trail starts from the Visitors’ Center and takes you into the ancient city of Petra through the Siq and past some magnificent monuments. This includes what is known as the ‘street of facades’, as well as a theater craved out of the rock, after which you will explore the intricately carved ‘royal tombs’, which include the Urn Tomb, Silk Tomb, Corinthian Tomb and Palace Tomb, before reaching Al-Khubtha High Place and Cistern to enjoy the breathtaking view.
The trail takes around 4 -5 hours to complete
Difficulty: Hard


This trail begins at the end of the Main Trail, from the museum inside Petra, which is located next to The Basin restaurant. It leads you northwards up ancient steps and after a short walk you reach the Lion Triclinium, which is set in a small side wadi on the left. Continue past this up the carved stairway to reach a hermitage with chambers excavated in the rock and decorated with many carved crosses. You then move on upwards to reach Ad Deir, which lies a short way beyond and offers a fantastic view over the area.
This trail can be self-guided.
Difficulty: Moderate


This trail takes you off the main track to reach Ad-Deir, or the Monastery, via a back road route. The trail begins at Kharrubat al-Fajja, which is 50 meters west of the main road to Beidha, and ends at Ad-Deir. The beginning of this trail is easy, allowing you to enjoy the beautiful landscape of the area and the mountain views overlooking Wadi Araba as you walk. It also takes you through an agricultural area. Donkeys can be used for the round trip, taking you from the starting point to the beginning of the steps that lead to Ad-Deir and back again.
From the visitor center you can go by car or bus to the beginning of this trail, which starts at a site that is just off the main road leading to Beidha.
Duration: 4-5 hours
Level: Hard
Guided only


The first part of this trail follows the route of the Main Trail, all the way to Qasr Al-Bint. You then begin an upward climb to the Monastery climbing ancient steps as you pass the Lion Triclinium on the way up to Ad-Deir. Then instead of returning the way you came, this trail takes you past the view point and on to Umm Sysaban, where you will see the remains of an ancient walled settlement. It ends at Kharrubat al-Fajjah, which is located just off the main road leading to Beidha, from where you will need a car or bus to take you back to the visitor center.
Duration: 7-8 hours
Level: Hard
Guided only 


This trail begins at Umm Qussa and ends at Slaysel. The starting point is 40 meters to the west of the main road to Beidha. The beginning of the trail is easy and takes you to Bir al-Arayis, one of the many ancient Nabataean water cisterns found in the area. The trail then leads to Siq al-Barid where you will see one of the most beautiful mural paintings in Petra. From there you will move on to the Neolithic Village of Beidha, and then continue walking through Wadi Slaysel until you reach Slaysel itself, where you will be able to enjoy a wonderful view over Wadi Araba.
Duration: 2.5 – 3 hours
Level: Moderate
Guided Only


To visit Petra during daylight is awe-inspiring; to experience it at night by the light of 1,800 candles is truly out-of-this-world! Walk through the Siq to the Treasury (Al-Khazneh) following a candle-lit path and enjoy the haunting music of the Bedouins at the Treasury. Tours start at 8.30pm and finish at 10.00pm every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Allow yourself plenty of time to walk through the Siq - you don't want to miss the show!


This trail begins at the Beidha Neolithic Village, near to Siq Al-Barid, which is the largest Nabataean site in Beidha. A few services are available here, including toilets, soft drinks and a parking area. You can reach the Siq Umm al-‘Alda entrance by car or bus and then hike to the Baja Neolithic site, which is 30 minutes walking distance away. You will pass some magnificent rock structures on your way to Baja. After exploring the site you follow the same track back to Siq Umm al-‘Alda and then drive to Shkarat Msaied, which is 15 minutes away from Siq Umm al-‘Alda by road. On your way to Shkarat Msaied, driving along Namala road, you can take in the beautiful surrounding landscape and mountains covered with juniper, oak, and wild pistachio trees. Beyond Namala Road you will experience the ancient Nabataean, Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic caravan route, which descends to Wadi Araba and Bir Madhkur and continues on to the Negeb and Gaza, forming part of the main caravan route that connected Petra with Gaza on the Mediterranean. Nowadays, this road is used to connect Petra with Wadi Feynan, the Dead Sea in the north, and Aqaba in the south.
Duration: 4 – 4.5 hours
Level: Moderate
Guided Only

Wadi Rum : Activities & What to do

“The Valley of the Moon”, depicted as Mars in several Hollywood feature films Wadi Rum is an Arabian fairy-tale waiting to be discovered. Home to nomadic Bedouin tribes, Wadi Rum is a a quiet getaway of stars, sand, and sun; a perfect complement from Amman’s epicenter. Once inhabited by the Nabataeans of prehistoric times, Wadi Rum allows you to get lost in large landscapes and horizon lines. The calmness of the desert is sure calm your spirit and de-clutter your thoughts. Wadi Rum is waiting for you.


Be awe-struck at the beauty of Wadi Rum from 2,000ft above the the earth’s surface. Located in the Disi area of Wadi Rum, you can take a journey off the beaten path as you get a breathtaking aerial view of “The Valley of the Moon”.

Return to the roots of aviation with this small and versatile aircraft. Fly above the beautiful rock formations of Wadi Rum in an open aircraft with an experienced pilot.

The Bedouin people are very friendly to their camels and horses, many even consider them to be extended family. Similar to the likes of Indiana Jones in The Last Crusade, you can glide between the mountain valleys on an equestrian excursion from Wadi Rum to Aqaba; this is sure to be a once in a lifetime experience. Schedule your horseback-riding tour online today

Prepare for a lively 4x4 tour that will have you traversing sand dunes and breathing in the desert winds at high speeds, as you gasp at Wadi Rums amazing rock formations.

Transport yourself to a time of colonial expansion. Sit in a refurbished locomotive from the early 20th century that connected the Ottoman Empire with the sands of the Middle East. Relive the spirit of a century old conflict as you take a historic 14km ride on the Hijazi train tracks.

The Nabataeans, an ancient Arab Nomadic tribe responsible for the architectural marvels in Petra left their mark in the desert of Wadi Rum as well. You can find remains of temples and water systems in key areas in the Rum Desert in addition to carvings and locations markers used by the ancient traders.

Now it is time for you to enjoy the beautiful night skies.
Located in one of the most beautiful parts of Jordan, RumSky allows visitors to enjoy the starry nights of Wadi Rum.
The guided tour program allows you to learn more about the Universe we live in. Living in lively cities makes it more difficult to witness the magnificence of the skies and heavens. Through the innovation of science, you will be able to get a little closer to the hidden wonders of the Universe. Stars, planets, nebulae, all are within your reach. The activity is three folds: A brief presentation on astronomy, seeing through the largest telescopes in Jordan and naked eye laser aided skygazing show. All guided by professional astronomers.

Petra to Wadi Rum; Connecting the two legendary sites of Petra and Wadi Rum is a week-long trek across one of the longest stretches of wilderness on the Jordan Trail. Here in the empty but striking desert, with its dramatic rock formations, stargazing and peace are found at their best. Starting with deep, rugged wadis and moving into open, sandy plains, this section of the trail takes you deep into the places where humans seldom go. Finishing at Wadi Rum village offers a taste of Bedouin life after the remoteness of this section.
Total Length: 125.4 KM
Days: 6 Hiking days
Main sites in the region:
-Jabal Haroun (mountaintop burial place of Aaron, off-route)
-Humeima, ancient and Umayyad ruins
-Sandstone mountain “islands” in a sea of sand
-Wadi Rum, Jabal Rum, and Jabal Um Ishrin

Wadi Rum to Aqaba; Leaving Wadi Rum village behind you, the trail passes beneath the towering cliffs of Jabal Rum and Jabal Um Ishrin through the iconic landscape of Wadi Rum – vast, echoing and godlike wrote T.E. Lawrence. Continuing through the magnificent desert landscape, the trail passes the cliffs of Jabal Khazali, Jabal Qattar and weaves between the unique and colorful backdrops of Wadi Rum’s sandstone desert mountains. The trail here follows old shepherd paths, winding its way west across desert wadis and over granite mountains striated with basalt dyke intrusions. At the last pass, the first view of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba, beyond which lie the mountains of Sinai. The final destination is the warm waters of the Red Sea and the port of Aqaba.

Total Length: 75.9 KM
Days: 5 Hiking days
Main sites in the region:
-Wadi Rum (World Heritage site)
-Wadi Rum Bedouin village
-Lawrence’s Spring (Ain Shellaleh) and the Nabataean Temple
-Dramatic desert scenery – sandstone domes and granite and basalt striated mountains,
changing color constantly throughout the day
-Bedouin encampments
-Village of Titen
-Aqaba (Red Sea)

Aqaba City :  What to see & do

Aqaba City : What to see & do

Aqaba, situated on the southern tip of Jordan, approximately 4 hours from the capital of Amman. Aqaba is a beach town with Jordanian appeal. Equipped with the local watering holes, to water sports, and a historical flair for those looking to revisit the past Aqaba is a delightful complement to the metropolitan appeal of Amman.



If you’re visiting the Hashemite Kingdom in autumn or spring it would be in your best interest to visit the Aqaba Bird Observatory. With a mission to preserve the natural habitats of Jordan’s migratory birds, you can get an exclusive peek at the aquatic birds on their migratory routes between Africa, Europe, and West Asia. The Aqaba Bird Observatory is a great place for the family.



The city of Aqaba is overflowing with aquatic life. Take a journey of discovery through Aqaba’s Aquarium to reveal the hidden treasures of the Red Sea.

As part of the Marine Science Station Complex, the Aquarium offers a chance to dive without getting wet and watch the aquatic life inside the Red Sea!



The worlds first underwater military museum just off the shores of Aqaba. A total of 19 pieces of hardware all in "battle formation" and includes tanks of different sizes, an ambulance, a military crane, a troop carrier, anti aircraft guns and a combat helicopter.



The cedar Pride was scuttled for divers on November 16th 1985. The ship now lies on her port side across two reefs; the soft coral growth on the masts is fantastic. Those with experience can explore its interior!



This dive site has amazing flora and fauna and all at shallow depths! It’s very popular with snorkelers and is known as one of the prettiest areas in Aqaba. It is a good dive for all, as it has Hawksbill Turtles, shoaling Barracuda, shoals of sergeant majors and fusiliers plus wonderful coral formations.



The Marine Park's latest attraction was scuttled on 16th of November 2017 and has already become the divers' favorite. After a major ceremony organized by ASEZA and attended from international media and visitors the aircraft's final resting place lies close to several popular dive sites.



While in Aqaba, a trip to Jordan’s first 18-hole par-72 golf course is a must. Ranked among world’s top three eco-friendly golf courses, the Ayla Golf Course boasts a spectacular setting of the majestic mountains of Aqaba bay.

The Ayla Golf Course was designed by the legendary Greg Norman with a design philosophy to create a premier signature golf course that blends with their surrounding environment and enhances the properties’ natural features. With floodlit practicing facilities running completely on solar-power, the gold course accommodates golfers to practice long after sunset while enjoying the cool Aqaba evening breeze with friends.



Experience a new level of water sports thrills at Ayla B12 beach. Ayla 442m cable wake park skiing facility are for those who are looking for adventure and entertainment. If you are professional or amateur the thrill is granted though well deigned obstacles, ramps and sliders and wide open spaces for acrobatic water tricks.



The Aqaba Archaeological Museum is located in the Aqaba house of Sherif Hussein Bin Ali. The museum was opened to the public in 1990. Presently it houses an important collection from the Islamic site of Ayla, dated to the Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid and Fatimid periods, thus representing the Islamic periods from the mid-7th to the beginning of the 12th century AD.

Among the exhibits is a Kufic inscription of Ayat Al-Kursi; from the Holy Quran, which surmounted the eastern (Egypt) gate of the city, and a hoard of gold Fatimid dinars minted at Sajilmasa in Morocco.



Your tour of Aqaba’s historical sites culminates at the Great Arab Revolt Plaza. This huge square is a great space to relax and enjoy the views of the middle beach, and as such is considered an ideal escape for visitors. The importance of the Plaza lies in its historical value.

It embraces the flag of the Great Arab Revolt, and the house of the Leader of the Arab Revolution, Al Hussein Bin Ali. It bears a deep significant national symbolism as the first Jordanian land set foot on by the armies of the revolution led by Al Sharif Hussein bin Ali. It is also the site where the first bullet of the Arab Revolt was shot.



This event is held every Frida evening, during the winter months, in Aqaba and features over 50 local artisans, live music, and authentic food and drinks. Join in on the fun for an unforgettable experience!



The mosque was named after Hussein bin Ali who was the Sharif and Emir of Mecca from 1908 until 1917. Known as the initiator of the Arab Revolt, Al Sharif Hussein Bin Ali stood against the increasingly nationalistic Ottoman Empire during the course of the First World War.

With its pristine white structure, intricate glass windows and soaring minarets, Al Hussein Bin Ali mosque is a beacon of Islamic architecture and a moving sight among the hustle and bustle of city life. It also boasts the largest dome among Jordan’s’ mosques. It is considered a main mosque for Aqaba’s citizens. Visitors can quietly stroll around the elegant interior and watch the city’s daily life at its most tranquil and pious.



Excavated in the mid-19th century and dating back to the first Islamic period, Ayla is the surviving remains of an old Islamic society located in the center of Aqaba. Built in 650AD tourist can get a firsthand look at the magnificence of the Islamic empires of centuries past.



During the Byzantine period, a great deal of construction took place throughout Jordan. All of the major cities of the Roman era continued to flourish as the regional population grew. As Christianity expanded across this region in the fourth century, churches began to sprout up across Jordan.

From this growing Christian scene came one of the most exciting discoveries in recent times, where archaeologists in Aqaba have unearthed what they believe to be the world’s oldest church, from the late 3rd Century AD. It is slightly older than the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem and the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem, both of which date back to the 4th Century. It has since been back-filled with earth for protection.



Located off the coast of Aqaba is Pharaoh Island. It is approximately 1 hour sailing from Aqaba Port. Located on Pharaoh's Island (Coral Island or Geziret Faraun) in the Gulf of Aqaba is an amazing fortress which gracefully stands between Taba's clear waters. This fortress was built during the time of the Crusaders by Baldwin I, the King of Jerusalem in 1116 A.D. King Baldwin mainly built this fortress because it was in the centre of a huge trade route between the Far East and Europe, easily defendable being on high ground, is the narrowest point on the Gulf of Aqaba. On a 6 hour cruise you can visit the Island and explore the Fortress, snorkel in the clear blue waters around the Island and enjoy a bbq lunch onboard the cruise. 

Author: Basma Hayudini JHT On: 2024-05-15.
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