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Petra adalah situs arkeologi terkenal di gurun barat daya Yordania. Bertanggal sekitar 300 SM, itu adalah ibu kota Kerajaan Nabatean. Diakses melalui ngarai sempit yang disebut Al Siq, di dalamnya terdapat kuburan dan kuil yang diukir di tebing batu pasir merah muda, mendapatkan julukannya, "Kota Ma...
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Best Time of Year to Visit Jordan

Best Time of Year to Visit Jordan

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Jordan is a year-round destination, but there are seasonal weather variations that travelers should be aware of. Spring and fall have the most predictable, pleasant temperatures and are therefore peak travel seasons. Winter tends to be rainy and unpredictable - it even snows in some places. Summer brings hot temperatures, but longer daylight hours allow travelers to use cooler early morning hours to explore Jordan's world-class sights.

When should you go to Jordan?

With its wide variety of cultural attractions and natural wonders, Jordan is a great destination at any time of year. The best season to visit depends on your personal travel preferences, and the activities you are most excited to try.

When touring Jordan, most visitors prioritize the ancient city of Petra as a must-see attraction. The sprawling compound is an exquisite example of intricate rock-cut architecture, and no trip to the country is complete without it. Petra is accessible at any time of year, though the temperate spring and fall are the most comfortable for full days of exploration.

Wandering the ruins in summer and winter can be less comfortable weather-wise, though if you're willing to brave the elements, you'll be rewarded with significantly smaller crowds. Plan accordingly: beat the heat in summer months by visiting Petra in the early morning, and make sure to bring rain gear and extra layers if you head there in the winter.

A few public holidays throughout the year are also worth considering when picking the perfect dates for your trip. Some provide intriguing opportunities for cultural immersion, while others may be inconvenient for travelers. Ramadan, for example, is a month-long festival during which many businesses close their doors during the day. Though still a fine time to experience Jordan, it’s best to be well-informed about the festivities taking place and to plan accordingly.

No matter what time of year you choose to visit, Jordan always proves to be a worthwhile destination with endless offerings for the intrepid traveler. Plan according to your personal travel goals, keeping the weather and any holidays in mind, and you’ll be guaranteed a successful and memorable journey to one of the most vibrant places in the world.

Jordan in Spring (March-May)

Jordan boasts perfect weather in the Spring, with warm days and temperate nights, making it the most popular season for travelers. The entire region is comfortably accessible, and well-known destinations throughout the country are usually buzzing with vacationers. You can expect high prices and big crowds in tourist centers between March and May, making this an excellent time of year to go off the beaten path - head north to see a centuries-old castle, or camp among the dunes and boulders of the Wadi Rum wilderness.

Spring is also an ideal time to experience the country from one of its many hiking trails. Fields of wildflowers bloom throughout the highlands near Aljoun from March to May, and trekkers visiting at this time are guaranteed comfortable temperatures and virtually zero chance of rain. This is also your best bet to hike the classic Dana to Petra route, a multi-day endeavor rated one of the world's best by National Geographic.

Jordan in Summer (June-September)

Temperatures rise as summer approaches, and the daytime sun is typically quite intense by mid-June, with average highs above 100° F / 38 ° C. For those unaccustomed to the heat, exploring the country’s many outdoor attractions can be daunting - but if you don’t mind the weather, a summer trip to Jordan has its benefits.

Longer daylight hours allow for more sightseeing, making it an excellent time to visit if you only have a few days to spare. Additionally, prices and crowds both see a significant drop in the summer months. If you want to avoid the heat you can stick to the rolling hills of the northern highlands, where you’ll find respite from the heat in the area’s plentiful olive groves.

Jordan in Fall (October-November)

Much like the spring months, fall brings lovely weather - and with it, lots of people. It also happens to be an ideal time for a visit to the Gulf of Aqaba, Jordan's popular point of access to the Red Sea and a convenient stop if you are traveling into Israel. From September through November, the water is still warm enough for a swim and marine life is plentiful. Scuba divers will have an abundance of tour operators to choose from, and will likely spot a sea turtle or two during their stay. Make sure to book your accommodations early, as hotel space in the town of Aqaba itself is limited.

Jordan in Winter (December-February)

Winter in Jordan is short but sweet. Weather patterns vary throughout the country: rain and snow are common in chilly Amman (most of the country's annual precipitation falls during December and January) while the temperatures at Aqaba and the Dead Sea stay comfortably warm. Conditions in the high desert are less predictable. Even so, with over three hundred days of sun every year, the odds are in your favor that you'll have plenty of blue skies to enjoy during a winter excursion.


 Wisata Jordan dan tanah suci terbaru, Hot dan Sering

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