Apakah Anda Mencari Wisata Pantai Pelabuhan Aqaba? Nikmati Tur kami dari Pelabuhan Aqaba untuk Menyaksikan pemandangan Yordania yang menakjubkan dan Alami sementara kapal Pesiar Anda berlabuh di Pelabuhan Aqaba. Nikmati Kota Merah Mawar Petra, Jelajahi Gurun Wadi Rum, Terapung di Air Asin Laut Mati,...
Petra By Night
Di masa lalu, kunjungan ke Petra belum lengkap tanpa menghabiskan malam di reruntuhan, mengembara di jalan berbatu di bawah sinar bulan dan tidur di gua makam.
Yordania , Anda harus ada di sini!
Tidak salah lagi fakta bahwa Yordania adalah Kerajaan yang kaya akan sejarah dan budaya. Dari saat Anda tiba, Anda merasakan kekayaan warisannya; di sekelilingnya adalah sisa-sisa peradaban kuno yang sudah lama berlalu, namun mereka masih tetap ada, dicap ke dalam jalinan Kerajaan yang menakjubkan i...
Petra adalah situs arkeologi terkenal di gurun barat daya Yordania. Bertanggal sekitar 300 SM, itu adalah ibu kota Kerajaan Nabatean. Diakses melalui ngarai sempit yang disebut Al Siq, di dalamnya terdapat kuburan dan kuil yang diukir di tebing batu pasir merah muda, mendapatkan julukannya, "Kota Ma...
Laut Mati
Laut Mati adalah danau garam yang dibatasi oleh Yordania di timur dan Israel dan Tepi Barat di barat. Itu terletak di Jordan Rift Valley, dan anak sungai utamanya adalah Sungai Jordan. Permukaan dan pantainya 430,5 meter di bawah permukaan laut; Elevasi terendah di bumi di darat.

Tur dan perjalanan Yordania kami, tur dan perjalanan Yordania Pribadi, tur dan perjalanan yang disesuaikan Yordania, Tur dan perjalanan yang disesuaikan Yordania, Tur yang dibuat khusus Yordania dan banyak lagi

Selected (Private & Groups) Jordan Adventure Tours

Horseback riding in Jordan, enjoying comfortable camps, sleeping all nights in beds ! Visit of Petra and departure for five days on horseback to Little Petra, then through the spectacular landscapes of the Wadi Rum desert. Nowhere else will you be so surprised by the diversity of changes in atmosphere, relief, colors, mineral and vegetable matter. Nights in a comfortable camp, evenings by the fire, meeting with the nomadic Bedouins of southern Jordan. You ride Arabian horses and learn about Bedouin traditions.

The epic trek from Dana to Petra, rated one of the world’s best hikes by National Geographic, takes you through many of Jordan's distinct landscapes and major archeological sites. It's part of the national Jordan Trail, which runs the length of the country from north to south. Read on for a detailed description of the 9-day trekking itinerary.The nine-day trek to the ancient city of Petra is unique in that it runs through the 4 biospheres inside of the Wadi Dana Reserve. The diversity of the scenery on this hike is most surprising to visitors who expect to see nothing but desert in Jordan. 

This beautiful hike is best done in the spring or fall, although winter is a possibility. The summer months of June-August are especially hot and not recommended. The Dana Reserve is especially beautiful in spring—you won’t believe how much green there is in Jordan!

Sites you are going to visit /include in the itinerary :
-Petra : Discover the Rose-Red City of Petra, lost to the outside world for centuries. -Wadi Rum : Explore the majestic desert of Wadi Rum. -Dead Sea : Float in the salty waters of the Dead Sea at the lowest point on earth. -Madaba & Mount Nebo : discover the amazing Byzantine mosaics excavated throughout the town & See the mosaic Madaba Map, the oldest preserved map of the Holy Lands. -Jerash : Explore vast Roman ruins. -Ajloun : Explore history in the green north. -Little Petra : a Nabataean site, with buildings carved into the walls of the sandstone canyons. -Dana Natural Reserve :Jordan's largest nature reserve. -The Kings' Highway : a route that has been in use for centuries -The Baptism Site : The site of Jesus Christ at Bethany beyond the Jordan. -Karak Castle : It is one of the largest crusader castles in the Levant. -ake a journey and discover the mystery and beauty of Jordan. Explore the echoing formations of the Wadi Rum desert and sleep under the stars. Experience the amazing Jordanian culture, visit the famous ancient ruins of Jerash, bathe in the Dead Sea and discover the lost city of Petra. Join us and experience the best of Jordan. This Tour is a 08 days Jordan Tours

Klien & Testimoni Kami


 Wisata Jordan dan tanah suci terbaru, Hot dan Sering

Tentang Kami: Jordan Horizons Tours (JHT)

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Jordan Horizons Tours & Travel (JHT)

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E-mail : jo.horizons@gmail.com