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Le Royaume hachémite de Jordanie, un lieu qui captivait autrefois les anciens voyageurs, continue de captiver une nouvelle génération avec son mélange éclectique de modernité et de tradition.

De l'enchantement austère du Wadi Rum au centre-ville agité d'Amman, en passant par les ruines majestueuses de civilisations autrefois oubliées, la Jordanie est une destination unique offrant des vues à couper le souffle, des hébergements de charme et une cuisine exquise. La Jordanie abrite d'innombrables merveilles qui ne manqueront pas de vous émerveiller.

Conseil de pro : apprenez à danser le dabke, c'est un succès lors des fêtes, et vous serez nommé Jordanien honoraire.

Devenant progressivement une destination de premier plan dans la région, la Jordanie a vu l'émergence d'hôtels de luxe à Amman, Petra, Aqaba et dans la mer Morte. Que vous recherchiez l'expérience authentique du routard ou le raffinement décontracté d'un service 5 étoiles, le Royaume hachémite convient aussi bien aux aristocrates qu'aux modestes. 


Le Royaume hachémite de Jordanie est une monarchie constitutionnelle. Le monarque est le chef de l’État, le chef de l’exécutif et le commandant en chef des forces armées. Le Roi exerce son pouvoir exécutif par l'intermédiaire du Conseil des Ministres. Le cabinet, quant à lui, est responsable devant la Chambre des députés élue, qui, avec le Sénat, constitue le pouvoir législatif du gouvernement. Le pouvoir judiciaire est un pouvoir indépendant.


La Jordanie est une terre chargée d’histoire. Elle a abrité certaines des premières colonies et villages de l'humanité ; abritant des reliques cachées des grandes civilisations du monde. 

En tant que carrefour du Moyen-Orient, les terres de Jordanie et de Palestine ont servi de lien stratégique ; reliant l’Asie, l’Afrique et l’Europe. Depuis l'aube de la civilisation, la géographie de la Jordanie lui a conféré un rôle important en tant que canal de commerce et de communication ; reliant l'Orient à l'Ouest. La Jordanie continue de jouer un rôle crucial dans les affaires géopolitiques. 

Conseil de pro : le jour de l'indépendance de la Jordanie a lieu le 25 mai, jour férié et implique diverses célébrations dans tout le pays. 


Sa Majesté le Roi Abdallah II bin Al Hussein a assumé ses pouvoirs constitutionnels en tant que Roi du Royaume hachémite de Jordanie le 7 février 1999, le jour du décès de son père, feu le Roi Hussein.

His Majesty King Hussein bin Talal, the father of modern Jordan, will always be remembered as a leader who guided his country through strife and turmoil to become an oasis of peace, stability, and moderation in the Middle East. Among Jordanians, his memory is cherished as the inspiration for Jordan's climate of openness, tolerance, and compassion. Known to his people as Al-Malik Al-Insan ("The Humane King"), King Hussein was the forty-second generation direct descendant of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him (PBUH). 

Here's the story and journey of Jordan throughout the years displayed in this video:

To ensure you get the most from your visit to Jordan, it is important to have a few basic facts on hand before you arrive. From currency to transport, from newspapers to business hours, you'll find the information you need by clicking the links below.

Jordan is a primarily Muslim country, although the freedom of all religions is protected. Muslim women’s clothing often covers their arms, legs and hair. Western women are not subject to these customs, but very revealing clothing is never appropriate and conservative dress is advisable for both men and women in the old part of Amman (downtown), and outside cities. Shorts are rarely worn by either sex, and would be out of place in the downtown Amman area.

Visitors with a valid passport may obtain a visa at any Jordanian embassy or consulate abroad. A visa can also be obtained at Amman’s Queen Alia International Airport (for unrestricted nationalities) or at any other border crossing except King Hussein Bridge and the ferryboat from Egypt. Visas are valid for one month, but can be extended at any police station.

Credit cards are accepted at hotels, restaurants and larger shops, including American Express, Visa, Diners Club, and MasterCard. Please note that many smaller shops still prefer cash payment in the Jordanian currency, and it’s essential for shopping in the local souks.

The official language of Jordan is Arabic, but English is widely spoken especially in the cities. Many Jordanians have traveled, or have been educated abroad, so French, German, Italian and Spanish are also spoken, but to a lesser extent.When Arabic is written in Jordan using the Latin alphabet, English spelling is applied; however, these spellings can be interpreted in various ways - the spelling, for example, of street addresses can vary widely. For this reason, the sounds of the words are a much better guide than the spelling.
Speaking Arabic is easier than you might think; attempting a few basic words will gain you respect from the locals and is a good way to break the ice. The Jordanian people are extremely understanding and will help you whenever they are able.

Arabic numbers are easy to read - in fact, the western numerical system was originally derived from the Arabic system. Unlike the words, Arabic numerals are read from left to right (the same as western numerals).

Approximately 80% of the country speaks English. French, German, Italian and Spanish are also spoken, but to a lesser extent.

English is taught in school all over Jordan. This is why most Jordanians almost speak English. Some Jordanians speak French, Italian, Spanish, and German.

Wherever you go in Jordan you will find plenty of opportunities to shop. For visitors there is a wide range of locally made handicrafts and other goods available at all the popular sites, as well as within the boutiques of the leading hotels and at the various visitors' centers. There you will find hand-woven rugs and cushions, beautifully embroidered items and clothing, traditional pottery, glassware, silver jewelry embedded with semi-precious stones, Bedouin knives, coffee pots, narghiles (hubble bubble), marquetry work, antiques and other artefacts. The list is endless and about as varied as you can imagine.

Take time to visit the souks in Jordan’s larger towns and cities. These are treasure troves for those seeking something a little bit out of the ordinary. Within the souks are also excellent gold and silver outlets, where some great bargains can be found. Also worth visiting are the busy market shops, especially for exotic spices, herbs and seasonings.

Pro- tip: Shopkeepers are helpful and friendly. Most speak at least a little English but even if they don’t, there is usually someone around who will only be very willing to assist you. After all, this is Jordan!

October – March: Greenwich Mean Time plus 2 hours (G.M.T. + 2).
April – September: Greenwich Mean Time plus 3 hours (G.M.T. + 3).
Jordan is seven hours ahead of US Eastern Time.

ELECTRICAL CURRENT Electricity in Jordan; What power plugs/outlets are used in Jordan?

Electricity in Jordan is 220 volts and the outlets accept the European two-pin plug. Many of the hotels throughout Jordan will provide different power sockets in their rooms although it is always wise to carry at least one world-wide adapter with you.In Jordan the power plugs and sockets are of type C, D, F, G and J. You will find various combinations of power plugs/outlets in each room. Check out the following pictures.


Type C: also known as the standard "Euro" plug. This socket also works with plug E and plug F.

Type D: mainly used in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and some African countries. This socket only works with plug D.

Type F: also known as "Schuko". This socket also works with plug C and plug E.

Type G: this type is of British origin. This socket only works with plug G.

Type J: mainly used in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. This socket also works with plug C. But plug N will NOT work.

Water is a precious resource in Jordan and visitors are encouraged not to waste it. Hotels rated 3 stars and up have their own water filtering systems and their water is considered safe to drink. Elsewhere, bottled water is inexpensive and readily available.

Telephone services within Jordan are efficient and reliable. Directories in Arabic and English are widely available and international calls can be made from public and private phones. Fax services are available at most hotels while telegrams can be sent from post offices. Internet access is widespread via Internet cafes and hotels.

The local currency is the Jordanian Dinar, symbol JD, also pronounced as “jaydee.” There are 1, 5, 10, 20 and 50 JD notes. The dinar is divided into 100 piasters (pronounced “pee-asters”) of 1000 fils (“fills”).
The fils is the unit most commonly used and you will usually see prices written as 4,750 (which is 4 JD and 750 fils).
Currency can be exchanged at major banks, exchange booths and at most hotels. Street money-changers are best avoided. Exchange rates are set daily by the Jordanian Central Bank.

As well as post offices, most 4- and 5-star hotels offer postal services.
Post office opening hours are:
- Summer: Sat-Thurs 07.00-19.00 / Fri 07.00-13.00.
- Winter: Sat-Thurs 07.00-17.00 / Fri 07.00-13.00.

There are also a number of international courier services, including DHL, FedEx, TNT International, UPS, etc.

Banks, businesses, government offices and many shops close all day for public holidays.
Fixed public holidays include:
- New Year’s Day January 1st
- Labor Day May 1st
- Independence Day May 25th
- Christmas Day December 25th

Un certain nombre de jours fériés ne sont pas fixes. Il s'agit notamment de Pâques et des fêtes islamiques suivantes, basées sur le calendrier lunaire :
- Eid al-Fitr - Une fête de 3 ou 4 jours marquant la fin du Ramadan.
- Eid al-Adha - Une fête de 4 jours à la fin du Hajj, ou mois de pèlerinage à la Mecque.
- Premier Muharam - Nouvel An islamique.
- 12 Rabee Al Awal - L'anniversaire du Prophète Mohammed (PSL).

Jordan utilise le système métrique.

Auteure / Auteur: Basma Hayudini JHT Sur: 2024-05-15.
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