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Launching the heritage and tourism trail in Madaba

Minister of Culture Haifa Al-Najjar launched the cultural heritage tourism trail in Madaba Governorate, organized by the Madaba Culture Directorate, which started from the Madaba Visitors Center, reaching the historic Mukawir Castle, and ending with the tourist street in Madaba.

Al-Najjar stressed the importance of this path in introducing the tourist and historical sites in Madaba, and promoting cultural industries and the story of the place, stressing the importance of networking with the Ministry of Tourism to introduce the tourist sites.

For his part, Director of Madaba Culture, Muhammad Al-Rawahneh, said that launching the trail aims to develop communities by introducing tourist and heritage sites and introducing the great cultural heritage.

Intellectuals, creatives, journalists, media professionals and artists from Jordan and a number of Arab countries participated in the day-long event, which featured various types of arts.

The route started from Madaba Visitors Center and headed to the town of Lab, where we visited the cultural heritage house of our ancestors and had a traditional breakfast made by the local women of the town of Lab.

The trail continued towards the archaeological ruins of Atarouz, which contain a large number of archaeological temples, then visited the Bani Hamida Women’s Weaving Project, which preserves local heritage, and visited the archaeological castle of Makawir and viewed its landmarks, while the trail concluded with a tour of the tourism street in the center of Madaba.

During the tour, Madaba Antiquities Director Abdullah Al-Buwarid gave a detailed explanation of the sites of Atrouz, the archaeological site of Makawir Castle, and the heritage houses in the village of Makawir and Lab, indicating the importance of this cultural heritage path in the diversity of the Jordanian tourism product and its distinction.


Author: Aida Abu Mahmoud On: 2024-07-08.
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