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Bent Pyramid and Red Pyramid


The Bent Pyramid and the Red Pyramid, located at Dahshur, south of Cairo, Egypt, are extraordinary monuments that offer a captivating glimpse into the architectural evolution of ancient Egyptian pyramids. The Bent Pyramid, built under Pharaoh Sneferu around 2600 BCE, is unique due to its unusual shape, featuring a change in angle partway up the structure. This distinctive design reflects the ancient builders' experimental approach to pyramid construction, making it a fascinating study in engineering ingenuity. Nearby, the Red Pyramid, also commissioned by Sneferu, represents Egypt's first successful attempt at constructing a true smooth-sided pyramid, standing as a testament to the advancements in architectural techniques. Known for its reddish hue due to the local limestone used, the Red Pyramid's interior chambers and corridors are accessible, offering a rare opportunity for visitors to explore the inner workings of these ancient marvels. Together, these pyramids provide invaluable insights into the early development of pyramid construction and the ambitious vision of Pharaoh Sneferu. Visiting the Bent Pyramid and the Red Pyramid at Dahshur is an unforgettable journey into the innovative spirit and monumental legacy of ancient Egypt, making them must-see attractions for history enthusiasts and travelers alike.