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Unfinished Obelisk


The Unfinished Obelisk, located in the northern region of the stone quarries of Aswan, Egypt, is a remarkable testament to ancient Egyptian engineering and craftsmanship. Commissioned during the reign of Queen Hatshepsut in the 18th Dynasty, this massive granite obelisk, had it been completed, would have stood at an impressive height of approximately 42 meters and weighed around 1,200 tons, making it the largest known obelisk ever attempted. The project was abandoned due to the discovery of cracks in the rock, providing modern visitors with an unprecedented glimpse into the techniques and challenges faced by ancient stonecutters. The site reveals the intricate process of carving directly from the bedrock, showcasing the ingenuity and skill of the ancient artisans. Walking around the quarry, visitors can observe the marks of tools and the detailed planning involved in such monumental constructions. A visit to the Unfinished Obelisk offers a fascinating insight into the complexities of ancient Egyptian obelisk production and a unique opportunity to connect with the incredible feats of engineering that characterized this ancient civilization, making it a must-see for history enthusiasts and curious travelers alike.