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private Luxury holiday packages for an unforgettable vacation and trip in Jordan

About Jordan

Jordan, a mesmerizing country nestled in the heart of the Middle East, is a land of ancient wonders, vibrant culture, and breathtaking landscapes that beckon travelers from around the world. From the iconic rose-red city of Petra to the serene shores of the Dead Sea, Jordan offers a wealth of historical and natural treasures waiting to be explored. Its bustling capital, Amman, boasts a rich tapestry of history and modernity, with ancient ruins juxtaposed against contemporary architecture and lively markets teeming with life.

Petra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, stands as the crowning jewel of Jordan's archaeological wonders. Carved into the rose-red cliffs by the Nabateans over two millennia ago, this ancient city mesmerizes visitors with its intricate facades, hidden tombs, and dramatic landscapes. The Siq, a narrow canyon leading to Petra's iconic Treasury, sets the stage for a magical journey back in time.

Beyond Petra, Jordan's diverse landscapes offer endless opportunities for exploration and adventure. The majestic Wadi Rum desert captivates with its towering sandstone formations, vast open spaces, and surreal landscapes that have served as the backdrop for countless movies and cultural events. Visitors can embark on jeep safaris, camel treks, or even spend a night under the starry desert skies, immersing themselves in the timeless beauty of the desert.

For those seeking relaxation and rejuvenation, the Dead Sea beckons with its mineral-rich waters and therapeutic mud, offering a unique floating experience and unparalleled views of the surrounding desert landscape. The historic ruins of Jerash, with its well-preserved Roman architecture, and the imposing Ajloun Castle provide glimpses into Jordan's rich history and cultural heritage.

With its warm hospitality, diverse attractions, and timeless allure, Jordan promises an unforgettable journey for travelers seeking adventure, history, and relaxation. Whether exploring ancient ruins, hiking through dramatic landscapes, or simply soaking in the natural wonders, Jordan invites visitors to discover the magic of this extraordinary land.

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 Find Answers

FAQs of Jordan

While most people visiting Jordan are familiar with Petra, there is much more in Jordan to see and do — from hiking oak forests in the north, to enjoying a sunset dinner at a rooftop restaurant in Amman, to snorkeling in the Red Sea in the south. Traveling to a new destination raises a lot of questions. Here are some answers to help you properly prepare for your Jordan journey.

 Is Jordan a safe country?

You will be pleasantly surprised by the sense of security you will find in Jordan – it is one of the safest places to travel in the world. Jordan maintains good relations with ALL of its neighbours and is truly an oasis of peace in this region. The country is fairly liberal, westernised, and alcohol is freely available.

 What is the weather like ?

Jordan has a long and pleasant spring and fall, from March through May and from September through November. Rain occasionally falls from December to April. The summer months are hot but with little humidity. In the Jordan Valley, around the Dead Sea and in Aqaba on the Red Sea the winters are pleasant.

 What’s the official language?

Arabic is the official language. English is widely spoken throughout the kingdom. Most road signs are in English.

 How should I dress?

When planning your clothing needs (particularly women), remember that you will be travelling in a Muslim country, albeit not a very conservative one. Too much body should not be displayed. Women and men can wear shorts, though it’s preferable for women to avoid wearing them while walking in Amman’s city centre or when you are visiting country areas away from the main tourist sites. By following the above guidelines, you will feel more relaxed. Make sure you bring with you comfortable walking shoes, a hat and sun block. The weather is usually warm in summer, but winters can be very cold, evenings are cool year round, so bring adequate warm clothing with you. If you were sleeping in the desert then you would need a warm sweater and jacket even in summer.

 What about visas and entry formalities?

Most nationalities can obtain visas upon arrival at any border, port or airport. Some nationalities require visas in advance. A single entry visa will normally cost you US$57. When you book your tour through us, we will arrange for your visa to be issued free of charge if you spend 2 or more consecutive nights in Jordan through our meet and assist service.

 When are the public holidays, and are there any festivals?

We have plenty of holidays in Jordan. All tourist sites and many businesses are open on most holidays, but government offices and banks close. Friday and Saturday are the official weekend days, although all tourist sites are open both days and many businesses are open on Saturday as well. Most Jordanian holidays are based on the Islamic religious calendar, and so they vary by about two weeks every year depending on the lunar calendar. During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset, so it would be prudent if you try to be respectful and not consume drinks, food and cigarettes outside of restaurants and tourist sites. The international Jerash Festival takes place in the ancient city of Jerash between July and August. It showcases an array of singers, musical and folklore troupes, plays and symphony operas from the Arab World and Europe.

National Holidays with set days are:
New Year :Jan 1st
Labour Day May 1st
Jordanian Independence Day May 25th
Christmas Dec. 25th

National Holidays that are based on the Islamic calendar and change each year are:
Islamic New Year
Al Mawled Al Nabawi
Al Isr’a wal Mi’raj
Eid al Fiter (3 day holiday)
Eid al Adha (5 day holiday)

 What about the food and restaurants?

Eating is the most popular national pastime hence the Jordanian cuisine is quite refined. Most hotels offer continental breakfast and buffet dinner with a choice of western and Arabic foods. Restaurants at sites usually offer traditional Arabic food or buffet lunches. In the major cities you’ll also find international restaurants, including McDonalds, Burger King and other healthy restaurants!

You are allowed to consume alcoholic drinks freely.

 Do I Have To Tip?

Tipping is not compulsory, but is expected. If you were satisfied with the services of your driver or guide then it would be a nice way to show them your appreciation. Most restaurants add a service charge to your bill, but if not a tip is appropriate there as well.

 What is the official currency of Jordan ?

The official currenty of Jordan is the Jordanian Dinar (JD) & it is divided into 1,000 fils, although many people refer to piasters. One piaster equals 10 fils, so there are 100 piasters in a dinar.
Notes: 5, 10 and 20 and 50 dinars.
Coins: 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500 fils
You will get the best exchange rate at exchange shops and banks, although the banks at the borders and in the airports charge a small commission. If you carry travellers’ checks, you will be charged a commission ranging from JD 3 to JD 8 even at a bank, sometimes for each check, so carry larger denominations. Hotels will charge a premium for changing money, so try to avoid this. All Banks are closed on Fridays and Saturdays, though some exchange shops remain open. ATMs are available throughout the country, but are not available in Wadi Rum so please ensure that you have enough cash on you. Credit/Debit cards are accepted at major retailers and hotels.

 When is the best time to travel to Jordan?

In the first half of the year, the peak season usually starts in mid February and continues till the end of May. It starts again in September and continues till the end of November. These are the times where the weather is at its best, but it is worth noting that weather patterns are inconsistent, so it is possible to have perfect weather throughout the year, as most regions record less than 30 days of rain per year. The summer is hot, but nowhere as hot as the gulf countries, so is bearable.

 Is Jordan expensive?

It depends. If you are on a budget, you can find affordable local meals — like a falafel sandwich — for a couple dinars or less, and stay in budget accommodations, like hostels in Amman and Bedouin camps in Wadi Rum for around $20-30USD per night. If you’d prefer more upscale dining options and creature comforts, you will find an array of restaurant options with extensive local and international menus in Amman. Luxury hotels in Amman, Dead Sea, Petra, and Aqaba run around $100-$300USD+ per night. There are mid-range options and lovely boutique hotels as well, for around $100USD per night. Whether you are traveling on a budget or planning to indulge, keep in mind that the typical cost per day for a tour is about $125-300USD per person.

 Are credit cards widely accepted?

In the main cities and most hotels throughout the country, credit cards are generally accepted. However, you are likely to find that Bedouin camps, smaller shops, and restaurants are cash only. It is recommended that you keep cash on you, so you don’t find yourself out in the desert, far from an ATM!

 What should I pack?

This depends largely on the season and the activities you’ll be doing. As Jordan has a desert climate, expect high temperatures and a lot of sunshine in the summer; comfortable temps and some rain in the spring and fall; cold weather, shorter days, and much more rain (and occasionally snow) in the winter. The best way to prepare is to bring breathable layers (natural fabrics are recommended) that can be added and removed throughout the day with the changing conditions. If you will be hiking, be sure to pack appropriate footwear. And of course, you’ll need sunscreen and a hat. If you’ll be spending time in Amman, don’t forget to bring along clothing that you’d wear in a city. Many locals in Amman are well-dressed and some restaurants enforce a dress code, so you will certainly be out of place (and maybe not allowed in) if you try to attend a nice rooftop dinner in your hiking gear.

 Do women have to wear hijab?

No, hijab are not required in Jordan — unless entering a mosque, which you are not likely to be allowed to do unless you are Muslim. While you will see many women wearing hijab in Jordan, there are also plenty of women who do not wear them. That being said, you will notice that for the most part (outside of the international bars and restaurants), women dress conservatively, with chest, shoulders, and legs covered.

 Electricity in Jordan

Electricity in Jordan is 220 volts and the outlets accept the European two-pin plug. Many of the hotels throughout Jordan will provide different power sockets in their rooms although it is always wise to carry at least one world-wide adapter with you.

 How Much Money Will I Spend?

Getting into the spirit of your holiday is very important however Jordan is not a cheap destination. Depending upon the meals provided in your holiday package, you should budget around US$7-10 per day for a basic lunch (drinks extra) and US$15-20 per day for hearty meals at a higher quality restaurant (drinks extra). Bottled water is inexpensive – we provide free water inside our vehicles – but local supermarkets offer the best deal.
Don’t forget all the “must do’s” such as a camel ride, motorized water sports at the Red Sea or the many spa treatments at the Dead Sea, as well as souvenirs and travel books, etc. We would be happy to provide approximate costings for these items to help you budget.

 Is there any special advice for women travelers while visiting Jordan?

There are many touristic areas in Jordan where special concerns are not necessary; however, in less touristic places, relatively modest dress is recommended. Women should avoid very short and tight clothing; keep their shoulders and knees covered. For instance, wearing shorts is not very common among Jordanians. Dressing with relative modesty is a way of respecting the local culture.

 Will I be able to exchange dollars, Euros, or other currencies in Jordan?

There are a large number of banks and exchange offices that can change cash and travelers’ checks in Jordan. Moreover, many touristic shops, restaurants, and bars will actually accept dollars or Euros at rates that are relatively close to the official ones. Makes sure you know the current exchange rate of dollars or Euros to Jordanian dinar.

 What are the languages used in Jordan? Do Jordanians speak languages other than Arabic?

The official language is Arabic. Approximately 80% of the country speaks English. French, German, Italian and Spanish are also spoken, but to a lesser extent.

English is studied in school all over Jordan. This is why most Jordanians almost speak English. Some Jordanians speak French, Italian, Spanish, and German.

Jordan Current Government

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is a constitutional monarchy. The monarch is the head of state, the chief executive, and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The King exercises his executive authority through the Council of Ministers. The cabinet, meanwhile, is responsible before the elected House of Deputies, which, along with the Senate, constitutes the legislative branch of the government. The judicial branch is an independent branch.

  Jordan's History 

Jordan is a land steeped in history. It has been home to some of Humankind’s earliest settlements and villages; harboring hidden relics from the world’s great civilizations.
As the crossroads of the Middle East, the lands of Jordan and Palestine have served as a strategic nexus; connecting Asia, Africa, and Europe. Since the dawn of civilization, Jordan’s geography has given it an important role as a conduit for trade and communications; connecting the orient with the west. Jordan continues to play a critical role in geopolitical affairs.
Pro-Tip: Jordan’s Independence Day is on May 25th which is a public holiday and involved various celebrations throughout the country.

The Royal Family of Jordan

His Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein assumed his constitutional powers as King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on February 7th, 1999, the day his father, the late King Hussein, passed away.
His Majesty King Hussein bin Talal, the father of modern Jordan, will always be remembered as a leader who guided his country through strife and turmoil to become an oasis of peace, stability, and moderation in the Middle East. Among Jordanians, his memory is cherished as the inspiration for Jordan’s climate of openness, tolerance, and compassion. Known to his people as Al-Malik Al-Insan (“The Humane King”), King Hussein was the forty-second generation direct descendant of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him (PBUH).


Jordan is a primarily Muslim country, although the freedom of all religions is protected. Muslim women’s clothing often covers their arms, legs and hair. Western women are not subject to these customs, but very revealing clothing is never appropriate and conservative dress is advisable for both men and women in the old part of Amman (downtown), and outside cities. Shorts are rarely worn by either sex, and would be out of place in the downtown Amman area.


Visitors with a valid passport may obtain a visa at any Jordanian embassy or consulate abroad. A visa can also be obtained at Amman’s Queen Alia International Airport (for unrestricted nationalities) or at any other border crossing except King Hussein Bridge and the ferryboat from Egypt. Visas are valid for one month, but can be extended at any police station.

Electrical Current

220 AC volts, 50 cycles, requiring rounded two-prong wall plugs. Visitors from the US will need a transformer, which most hotels can provide.


Water is a precious resource in Jordan and visitors are encouraged not to waste it. Hotels rated 3 stars and up have their own water filtering systems and their water is considered safe to drink. Elsewhere, bottled water is inexpensive and readily available.

Public Holidays

Banks, businesses, government offices and many shops close all day for public holidays. Fixed public holidays include:
– New Year’s Day January 1st
– Labor Day May 1st
– Independence Day May 25th
– Christmas Day December 25th

A number of public holidays are not fixed. These include Easter and the following Islamic Holidays, which are based on the Lunar calendar:
– Eid al-Fitr – A 3 or 4-day feast marking the end of Ramadan.
– Eid al-Adha – A 4 day feast at the end of the Hajj, or month of pilgrimage to Mecca.
– First of Muharam – Islamic New Year.
– 12 Rabee Al Awal – The Birthday of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).