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Responsible Tourism in Jordan: A Commitment to Sustainable Travel

Responsible Tourism in Jordan: A Commitment to Sustainable Travel


At Jordan Horizons Tours, we believe that travel should be a force for good, benefiting not only the travelers but also the destinations they visit. Responsible tourism is at the heart of our operations, reflecting our commitment to sustainable travel practices that respect the environment, preserve cultural heritage, and support local communities. Jordan, with its rich history and diverse landscapes, offers a unique opportunity for travelers to engage in meaningful and sustainable tourism.

The Essence of Responsible Tourism

Responsible tourism is about creating better places for people to live in and better places for people to visit. It encompasses minimizing negative impacts on the environment, respecting and preserving local cultures, and generating economic benefits for local communities. In Jordan, this means protecting its stunning natural landscapes, celebrating its cultural heritage, and ensuring that tourism development brings tangible benefits to Jordanians.

Environmental Sustainability

1. Protecting Natural Landscapes:
Jordan is home to diverse ecosystems, from the coral reefs of Aqaba to the deserts of Wadi Rum and the lush forests of Ajloun. At Jordan Horizons Tours, we promote eco-friendly practices such as minimizing waste, conserving water, and reducing carbon footprints. Our tours are designed to be in harmony with nature, ensuring that the natural beauty of Jordan remains unspoiled for future generations.

2. Sustainable Accommodation:
We partner with eco-friendly hotels and lodges that follow sustainable practices, such as energy conservation, waste management, and the use of local materials. This not only reduces environmental impact but also enhances the visitor experience by providing unique and authentic stays.

Cultural Preservation

1. Respecting Local Traditions:
Jordan’s cultural heritage is a treasure trove of ancient ruins, traditional crafts, and Bedouin customs. We ensure that our tours are respectful of local traditions and customs. This includes providing guidelines to travelers on appropriate behavior and dress, especially when visiting religious or cultural sites.

2. Supporting Cultural Initiatives:
We collaborate with local artisans and cultural centers to promote traditional crafts and performances. By including visits to these places in our itineraries, we help preserve Jordanian culture and provide a market for local artisans, thereby supporting their livelihoods.

Community Engagement

1. Empowering Local Communities:
Our tours are designed to bring direct economic benefits to local communities. We employ local guides, use local services, and encourage travelers to purchase local products. This ensures that the economic benefits of tourism are widely distributed and contribute to community development.

2. Educational and Volunteer Opportunities:
We offer educational tours and volunteer programs that allow travelers to engage with local communities meaningfully. Whether it's participating in archaeological digs, teaching English, or assisting in conservation projects, these opportunities foster mutual understanding and respect between travelers and locals.

Responsible Travel Practices

1. Promoting Awareness:
We educate our travelers about the principles of responsible tourism and encourage them to adopt sustainable practices. This includes minimizing plastic use, respecting wildlife, and leaving no trace behind in natural and historical sites.

2. Collaborating with Stakeholders:
We work closely with government bodies, non-profit organizations, and other stakeholders to promote sustainable tourism policies and practices. Our collaborations aim to create a sustainable tourism framework that benefits all stakeholders, ensuring the long-term viability of tourism in Jordan.

Case Studies and Success Stories

1.  The Petra Preservation Initiative:
We support initiatives aimed at preserving Petra’s archaeological heritage. Our contributions include funding restoration projects and supporting local guides trained in sustainable tourism practices, ensuring that this iconic site remains protected for future generations.

2. Wadi Rum Eco-Tourism:
In Wadi Rum, we collaborate with local Bedouin communities to offer eco-friendly desert tours. These tours are conducted in a way that minimizes environmental impact while providing travelers with an authentic cultural experience. The revenue generated supports local families and contributes to community projects.


At Jordan Horizons Tours, responsible tourism is not just a philosophy; it’s a commitment that guides all our operations. By promoting sustainable practices, preserving cultural heritage, and supporting local communities, we aim to create a positive impact on Jordan’s tourism landscape. We invite travelers to join us in this journey towards sustainable travel, ensuring that the beauty and heritage of Jordan can be enjoyed by generations to come.

For more information on our responsible tourism practices and to book a sustainable tour, please contact us. Together, we can make a difference and travel responsibly.

Author: Basma Hayudini JHT On: 2024-05-14.
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