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Petra By Night
In früheren Zeiten war ein Besuch in Petra nicht vollständig, ohne eine Nacht in den Ruinen zu verbringen, im Mondlicht über die felsigen Pfade zu wandern und in einer Grabhöhle zu schlafen.
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Petra ist eine berühmte archäologische Stätte in der südwestlichen Wüste Jordaniens. Es wurde um 300 v. Chr. Datiert und war die Hauptstadt des Königreichs der Nabatäer. Es ist über eine enge Schlucht namens Al Siq zugänglich und enthält Gräber und Tempel, die in rosa Sandsteinfelsen gehauen sind un...
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Things To Know Before You Visit Petra

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“Traveling is the best form of education.”

Here are some of the things you need to keep in mind before you take up a trip to Petra.

1. Best Time- Petra is relatively hot during the summer, meaning that you are better off visiting in the early morning or later in the afternoon if at all possible during the hottest days of the year (July and August). During spring (March-May) or autumn (September-November), temperatures are pleasant day long, hovering around the 18-25 degrees Celsius.

2. Time Duration- Though you can comfortably see Petra in a day or two, some visitors are interested in an in depth experience, and may spend up to four days exploring the Nabatean City and the areas around it.

3. Costs- A one-day visitor to Jordan pass to Petra costs 90JD. This is if you aren't spending a night in Jordan. Whereas for someone who stays for more than one day in Jordan the cost for entry which costs 50JD for a one day ticket, 55JD for 2 days entry and 60JD for 3 days entry. Jordanian citizens, residents, students and Arab nationals pay 1JD. For kids under 12 years of age you are not required to pay anything.

4. Places of Interest in Petra- The Treasury is a famous and a must-visit place. It is a rock-cut temple that’s very famous as it was showcased in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Next you can go to the Monastery with its large, intricately carved façade and views looking out over the surrounding valleys are stunning.

5. Places to Eat & Drink – There are restaurants on site, and you’ll receive a free map with your ticket so you can locate them. The only recommended restaurant inside Petra is the Basin Restaurant.

6. Things to Pack – Sturdy shoes (and enclosed shoes are recommended) to walk around all day in comfort. Also bring a hat, sunglasses and sunblock. Also make sure you have a ready supply of water.

7. Is Petra Safe? – Petra and the whole of Jordan are safe. The biggest threat that can overcome your trip is dehydration from not drinking enough water.


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