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Jordan, du musst hier sein!
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Petra ist eine berühmte archäologische Stätte in der südwestlichen Wüste Jordaniens. Es wurde um 300 v. Chr. Datiert und war die Hauptstadt des Königreichs der Nabatäer. Es ist über eine enge Schlucht namens Al Siq zugänglich und enthält Gräber und Tempel, die in rosa Sandsteinfelsen gehauen sind un...
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New Travel Protocol for Jordan announced ( On 29th April 2021)

New Travel Protocol for Jordan announced ( On 29th April 2021)

There is no translation available.

The Jordanian Ministry of Tourism recently issued the protocol for visitors to Jordan. The protocol details steps to be taken by clients wishing to visit the country. Most notably, the Covid PCR test time has been extended to 120 hours before departure. It is expected that persons possessing vaccination certificates will be soon exempted from taking the PCR after arrival, but this decision will be confirmed once put into effect.
Jordan also recently cancelled the Friday curfew, so now visitors may move freely on that day. There is now only a partial evening curfew in place. Covid cases are continuing to fall, and vaccinations are progressing smoothly.

Current COVID-19 Regulations for Entry to Jordan

Visitors to Jordan need to acknowledge and follow the below instructions, for a safe and enjoyable trip during the current pandemic.

Entry Requirements:
Visitors to Jordan must meet certain conditions to enter, starting with a negative result from a PCR test that is taken no more than 120 hours prior to arrival to Jordan. The second PCR test will be conducted upon your arrival to the airport and must be registered for through the following links for each airport:
Queen Alia International Airport – Amman (AMM)
King Hussein International Airport – Aqaba (AQJ)
The amount of 28 JOD for this test can be paid online, therefore you should obtain a payment bill to show at the check-in counter before boarding, in case you cannot pay through the links, the airline is responsible to collect this amount as EMD. You will receive your results via text message. As for your children, PCR test will not be required for children below 5 years of age. Do not forget to arrange your health insurance (for Non-Jordanians) before your trip to Jordan, and make sure that it will cover COVID-19 treatment for the entire period of your intended visit to Jordan. You will be required to fill out a form prior to boarding your flight to Jordan. This declaration form will be required at the time of check-in prior to your departure to Jordan.
Click here for the updated Standard Operating Procedure for the visitor’s journey in Jordan.

Jordan-Specific Information:
The current daily curfew starts from 6 pm for commercial establishments, and from 7 pm for individuals, and ends at 6 am the next morning. These strict regulations will continue until the 15th of May 2021. The Jordanian government has also announced that all sports facilities, gyms and pools will be closed as a precaution in order to tackle the rise in COVID-19 cases. To ensure safety, the Jordanian government continues to implement social distancing regulations and mandatory mask-wearing in business establishments, public transportation, and government facilities.

Quarantine Information:
Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 at the airport on arrival will be quarantined as per the Jordanian governmental regulations for at least ten days, the isolation place will be decided case by case by the officials. On the other hand, those who test negative at the airport do not have to be quarantined at all.
Due to the current situation, all flights to and from India have been halted until further notice. Visitors from India need to have spent at least 14 days in another Green Zone country since leaving India before they are allowed entry into Jordan.

Transportation Options:
All commercial flights from and to Jordan are operating except flights from and to India until further notice. Public transportation is also operating with social distancing practices and mandatory mask wearing for all passengers and drivers. As for land crossings from Jordan to Israel, all crossing points are closed for the time being.

Violations & Fines:
Any traveller that violates Jordanian entry requirements will face a 10,000 JOD fine, which is equal to around 14,000 USD. The violation of the social distancing and mask-wearing order carries a fine of no less than 60 JOD, and finally, breaking the nightly mandatory curfews carry fines of between 500 and 1,000 JOD for a first-time violation.

COVID-19 Vaccine
The Jordanian government has approved four COVID-19 vaccines for use, and many Jordanians are signing up for their turn to get vaccinated, so hopefully, every individual in Jordan will get his/her turn so we can finally be COVID free. All of our staff have received at least the first vaccine dose.

Note: All regulations are subject to change as per the government’s regulations. We will keep on posting all updates as they become available, and our team is always ready to answer your questions.


Please contact us to make it clear (procedures ) if you are planning to Jordan, you are welcome to Jordan .


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