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New Travel Procedure to Jordan during Covid 19 (Updated as of 5th June 2021)

There is no translation available.


Good news for those who are looking to travel in 2021 - Jordan is opening up for tourism and travel. Come and see the wonders that Jordan has to offer. The people are waiting to welcome you with their famous hospitality. 

The Ministry of Tourism for Jordan has announced that there are new regulations (current from the 5th June 2021) for travelling to Jordan. 

For Guests travelling to Queen Alia Airport (Amman Airport) :

Here are the instructions:

1) Travelers who have received the full COVID-19 vaccination (according to vaccine types) and who have a vaccination certificate or proof issued by the following destinations (Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Tunisia, Morocco, the US, UK, EU, Turkey, China, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Russian and Canada) can enter the Kingdom and must conduct a PCR test before departuring within 72 hours before boarding the plane.

2) Anyone over the age of five who has not been fully vaccinated will need a PCR test inside any of the Kingdom’s airports from all countries other than the ones mentioned above.

3) The vaccination certificate issued by the Jordanian Ministry of Health, with full vaccination, is considered an approved official document for any traveler coming to the Kingdom, in addition to the restrictions from the country they are coming from.

Note: there is no change to the instructions for quarantine procedures for Jordanians coming from India or any other country to be named later.

4) PCR tests taken must be approved by the Jordanian Health Ministry as a condition for boarding the plane from the destination (not exceeding 120 hours).

Travelers who wish to come into the Kingdom must register on the VISITJORDAN (GATEWAY2JORDAN) platforms, in order to obtain a vaccination QR Code or a PCR payment , which is considered as a condition for their boarding of the plane.

5) The medical insurance application for non-Jordanians will continue to work.

6) If any travelers provide forged documents, they will be subjected a fine.


 Wisata Jordan dan tanah suci terbaru, Hot dan Sering

Tentang Kami: Jordan Horizons Tours (JHT)

Kami menawarkan layanan berkualitas tinggi, di mana kami menghilangkan segala kekhawatiran dengan mengatur segala sesuatunya sesuai dengan keinginan Anda sebelumnya, mengirimi Anda rencana perjalanan terperinci dan informasi lengkap tentang pengaturan tur Anda.




Jordan Horizons Tours & Travel (JHT)

Mobile 1 : +962-799-610-139 (whatsApp Available/Messaging only)

Mobile 2 : +962-799-326-632 (whatsApp Available/Messaging only)

E-mail : jo.horizons@gmail.com